
expect abstract suspend fun readSuspendableSession(consumer: suspend SuspendableReadSession.() -> Unit)


Use read { } instead.

Starts a suspendable read session. After channel preparation consumer lambda will be invoked immediately even if there are no bytes available for read yet. consumer lambda could suspend as much as needed.

actual abstract suspend fun readSuspendableSession(consumer: suspend SuspendableReadSession.() -> Unit)


Use read { } instead.

Starts a suspendable read session. After channel preparation consumer lambda will be invoked immediately even if there are no bytes available for read yet. consumer lambda could suspend as much as needed.

actual abstract suspend fun readSuspendableSession(consumer: suspend SuspendableReadSession.() -> Unit)


Use read { } instead.

Starts a suspendable read session. After channel preparation consumer lambda will be invoked immediately even if there are no bytes available for read yet. consumer lambda could suspend as much as needed.

actual abstract suspend fun readSuspendableSession(consumer: suspend SuspendableReadSession.() -> Unit)


Use read { } instead.

Starts a suspendable read session. After channel preparation consumer lambda will be invoked immediately even if there are no bytes available for read yet. consumer lambda could suspend as much as needed.