
A configuration for the io.ktor.server.plugins.cors.routing.CORS plugin.


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object Companion


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Allows passing credential information (such as cookies or authentication information) with cross-origin requests. This property sets the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials response header to true.

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Allows sending requests with non-simple content-types. The following content types are considered simple:

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Allows requests from the same origin.

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Exposed HTTP headers that could be accessed by a client.

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If present represents the prefix for headers which are permitted in CORS requests.

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Allowed CORS headers.

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Allowed CORS hosts.

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Duration to tell the client to keep CORS options.

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Specifies how long the response to the preflight request can be cached without sending another preflight request.

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Allowed CORS HTTP methods.


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fun allowHeader(header: String)

Allow using a specified header for the actual CORS request.

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fun allowHeaders(predicate: (String) -> Boolean)

Allows using headers matching predicate for the actual CORS request.

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fun allowHeadersPrefixed(headerPrefix: String)

Allows using headers prefixed with headerPrefix for the actual CORS request.

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fun allowHost(host: String, schemes: List<String> = listOf("http", "https"), subDomains: List<String> = emptyList())

Allows requests from the specified domains and schemes. A wildcard is supported for either the host or any subdomain. If you specify a wildcard in the host, you cannot add specific subdomains. Otherwise, you can mix wildcard and non-wildcard subdomains as long as the wildcard is always in front of the domain, e.g. * but not sub.*

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fun allowMethod(method: HttpMethod)

Adds a specified method to a list of methods allowed by CORS.

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fun allowOrigins(predicate: (String) -> Boolean)

Allows using an origin matching predicate for the actual CORS request.

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Allows using the X-Http-Method-Override header for the actual CORS request.

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fun anyHost()

Allows requests from any host.

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fun exposeHeader(header: String)

Allows exposing the header using Access-Control-Expose-Headers. The Access-Control-Expose-Headers header adds the specified headers to the allowlist that JavaScript in browsers can access.