
fun signWith(issuerKeyPair: KeyPair, issuerKeyCertificate: X509Certificate)

Defines an issuer for this certificate, so it is not self-signed.

The certificate will be signed with the given issuerKeyPair, certified by the given issuerKeyCertificate. The issuer's name is taken from the provided certificate.

If this method is not called, this certificate will be self-signed by the subject (with the same generated key as the one being certified).

fun signWith(issuerKeyPair: KeyPair, issuerKeyCertificate: Certificate, issuerName: X500Principal)

Defines an issuer for this certificate, so it is not self-signed.

The certificate will be signed with the given issuerKeyPair in the name of issuerName, certified by the given issuerKeyCertificate.

If this method is not called, this certificate will be self-signed by the subject (with the same generated key as the one being certified).