
A StatusPages plugin configuration.


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class StatusContext(val call: ApplicationCall, val content: OutgoingContent)

A context for status config method.


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Provides access to exception handlers of the exception class.

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Provides access to status handlers based on a status code.


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inline fun <T : Throwable> exception(noinline handler: suspend (call: ApplicationCall, cause: T) -> Unit)

Register an exception handler for the exception type T and its children.

fun <T : Throwable> exception(klass: KClass<T>, handler: suspend (call: ApplicationCall, T) -> Unit)

Register an exception handler for the exception class klass and its children.

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fun <T : Throwable> StatusPagesConfig.exception(klass: Class<T>, handler: suspend PipelineContext<Unit, PipelineCall>.(T) -> Unit)

Register an exception handler for the exception class klass and its children

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fun status(vararg status: HttpStatusCode, handler: suspend (ApplicationCall, HttpStatusCode) -> Unit)
@JvmName(name = "statusWithContext")
fun status(vararg status: HttpStatusCode, handler: suspend StatusPagesConfig.StatusContext.(HttpStatusCode) -> Unit)

Register a status handler for the status code.

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fun StatusPagesConfig.statusFile(vararg code: HttpStatusCode, filePattern: String)

Register a status page file(s) using filePattern for multiple status code list

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fun unhandled(handler: suspend (ApplicationCall) -> Unit)

Register a handler for the unhandled calls.