
annotation class CoroutinesTimeout(val testTimeoutMs: Long, val cancelOnTimeout: Boolean = false)

Coroutines timeout annotation that is similar to JUnit5's Timeout annotation. It allows running test methods in a separate thread, failing them after the provided time limit and interrupting the thread.

Additionally, it installs DebugProbes and dumps all coroutines at the moment of the timeout. It also cancels coroutines on timeout if cancelOnTimeout set to true. The dump contains the coroutine creation stack traces.

This annotation has an effect on test, test factory, test template, and lifecycle methods and test classes that are annotated with it.

Annotating a class is the same as annotating every test, test factory, and test template method (but not lifecycle methods) of that class and its inner test classes, unless any of them is annotated with CoroutinesTimeout, in which case their annotation overrides the one on the containing class.

Declaring CoroutinesTimeout on a test factory checks that it finishes in the specified time, but does not check whether the methods that it produces obey the timeout as well.

Example usage:

class CoroutinesTimeoutSimpleTest {
// does not time out, as the annotation on the method overrides the class-level one
fun classTimeoutIsOverridden() {
runBlocking {

// times out in 100 ms, timeout value is taken from the class-level annotation
fun classTimeoutIsUsed() {
runBlocking {

See also



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