
inline suspend fun <T> HttpClient.head(builder: HttpRequestBuilder): T

Executes a HttpClient HEAD request, with the information from the builder and tries to receive a specific type T, if fails, an exception is thrown.

inline suspend fun <T> HttpClient.head(scheme: String = "http", host: String = "localhost", port: Int = DEFAULT_PORT, path: String = "/", body: Any = EmptyContent, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): T

Executes a HttpClient HEAD request, with the specified scheme, host, port, path and body. And allows to further configure the request, using a block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder.

Tries to receive a specific type T, if fails, an exception is thrown.

inline suspend fun <T> HttpClient.head(urlString: String, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): T

Executes a HttpClient HEAD request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

Tries to receive a specific type T, if fails, an exception is thrown.

inline suspend fun <T> HttpClient.head(url: Url, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): T

Executes a HttpClient HEAD request, with the specified url as Url and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

Tries to receive a specific type T, if fails, an exception is thrown.

inline suspend fun <T> HttpClient.head(url: URL, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): T

Executes a HttpClient HEAD request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

Tries to receive a specific type T, if fails, an exception is thrown.