
expect object Companion
actual object Companion
actual object Companion


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expect val Empty: IoBuffer

The empty buffer singleton: it has zero capacity for read and write.

actual val Empty: IoBuffer
actual val Empty: IoBuffer
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expect val EmptyPool: ObjectPool<IoBuffer>

A pool that always returns IoBuffer.Empty

actual val EmptyPool: ObjectPool<IoBuffer>
actual val EmptyPool: ObjectPool<IoBuffer>
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expect val NoPool: ObjectPool<IoBuffer>

Pool that always instantiates new buffers instead of reusing it

actual val NoPool: ObjectPool<IoBuffer>
actual val NoPool: ObjectPool<IoBuffer>
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expect val Pool: ObjectPool<IoBuffer>

The default buffer pool

actual val Pool: ObjectPool<IoBuffer>

The default buffer pool

actual val Pool: ObjectPool<IoBuffer>

The default buffer pool

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expect val ReservedSize: Int

Number of bytes usually reserved in the end of chunk when several instances of ChunkBuffer are connected into a chain (usually inside of ByteReadPacket or BytePacketBuilder)

actual val ReservedSize: Int

Number of bytes usually reserved in the end of chunk when several instances of IoBuffer are connected into a chain (usually inside of ByteReadPacket or BytePacketBuilder)

actual val ReservedSize: Int

Number of bytes usually reserved in the end of chunk when several instances of IoBuffer are connected into a chain (usually inside of ByteReadPacket or BytePacketBuilder)