
expect inline fun Memory.storeDoubleAt(offset: Int, value: Double)
expect inline fun Memory.storeDoubleAt(offset: Long, value: Double)

Write short signed 64bit floating point number in the network byte order (Big Endian)

actual inline fun Memory.storeDoubleAt(offset: Int, value: Double)
actual inline fun Memory.storeDoubleAt(offset: Long, value: Double)

Write short signed 64bit floating point number in the network byte order (Big Endian)

actual inline fun Memory.storeDoubleAt(offset: Int, value: Double)
actual inline fun Memory.storeDoubleAt(offset: Long, value: Double)

Write short signed 64bit floating point number in the network byte order (Big Endian)

actual inline fun Memory.storeDoubleAt(offset: Int, value: Double)
actual inline fun Memory.storeDoubleAt(offset: Long, value: Double)

Write short signed 64bit floating point number in the network byte order (Big Endian)