Package-level declarations


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Builder for certificate

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Builder for key store

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Create a keystore and configure it in block function

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fun generateCertificate(file: File? = null, algorithm: String = "SHA1withRSA", keyAlias: String = "mykey", keyPassword: String = "changeit", jksPassword: String = keyPassword, keySizeInBits: Int = 1024, keyType: KeyType = KeyType.Server): KeyStore

Generates simple self-signed certificate with keyAlias name, private key is encrypted with keyPassword. If file is set, the key is stored in a JKS keystore in file with jksPassword.

fun KeyStore.generateCertificate(file: File? = null, algorithm: String = "SHA1withRSA", keyAlias: String = "mykey", keyPassword: String = "changeit", jksPassword: String = keyPassword, keySizeInBits: Int = 1024, caKeyAlias: String = "mykey", caPassword: String = "changeit", keyType: KeyType = KeyType.Server): KeyStore

Uses the given keystore as certificate CA caKeyAlias to generate a signed certificate with keyAlias name.

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fun KeyStore.saveToFile(output: File, password: String)

Save KeyStore to output file with the specified password

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fun KeyStore.trustStore(file: File? = null, password: CharArray = "changeit".toCharArray()): KeyStore

Extracts all certificates from the given KeyStore to use these certificates as a valid TrustStore.


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