
open class Pipeline<TSubject : Any, TContext : Any>(phases: PipelinePhase)

Represents an execution pipeline for asynchronous extensible computations


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fun Pipeline(vararg phases: PipelinePhase)


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Adds phase to the end of this pipeline

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open fun afterIntercepted()

Invoked after an interceptor has been installed

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suspend fun execute(context: TContext, subject: TSubject): TSubject

Executes this pipeline in the given context and with the given subject

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Inserts phase after the reference phase. If there are other phases inserted after reference, then phase will be inserted after them. Example:

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Inserts phase before the reference phase. Example:

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Adds block to the phase of this pipeline

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Merges another pipeline into this pipeline, maintaining relative phases order

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Reset current pipeline from other.


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Provides common place to store pipeline attributes

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open val developmentMode: Boolean = false

Indicated if debug mode is enabled. In debug mode users will get more details in the stacktrace.

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Phases of this pipeline


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inline suspend fun <TContext : Any> Pipeline<Unit, TContext>.execute(context: TContext)

Executes this pipeline

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inline fun <TSubject : Any, TContext : Any> Pipeline<*, TContext>.intercept(phase: PipelinePhase, noinline block: suspend PipelineContext<TSubject, TContext>.(TSubject) -> Unit)

Intercepts an untyped pipeline when the subject is of the given type