
A client's request that can be handled in RoutingRoot. To learn how to handle incoming requests, see Handling requests.

See also


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open override val call: RoutingCall

An ApplicationCall instance this ApplicationRequest is attached to.

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open override val cookies: RequestCookies

Provides access to cookies for this request.

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open override val headers: Headers

Provides access to headers for the current request. You can also get access to specific headers using dedicated extension functions, such as acceptEncoding, contentType, cacheControl, and so on.

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Gets a request HTTP method possibly overridden using the X-Http-Method-Override header.

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Gets a request's HTTP version.

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open override val local: RequestConnectionPoint

Provides access to connection details such as a host name, port, scheme, etc. To get information about a request passed through an HTTP proxy or a load balancer, install the ForwardedHeaders/XForwardedHeader plugin and use the origin property.

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Represents request and connection parameters possibly overridden via https headers. By default, it fallbacks to ApplicationRequest.local

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open override val queryParameters: Parameters

Provides access to decoded parameters of a URL query string.

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open override val rawQueryParameters: Parameters

Provides access to parameters of a URL query string.

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Gets a request's URI, including a query string.


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Get a request's Accept header value.

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Gets a request's Accept-Charset header value.

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Gets the Accept-Charset header charsets sorted according to their qualities.

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Gets a request's Accept-Encoding header value.

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Gets the Accept-Encoding header encoding types sorted according to their qualities.

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Gets the Accept header content types sorted according to their qualities.

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Gets a request's Accept-Language header value.

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Gets the Accept-Language header languages sorted according to their qualities.

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Get a request's Authorization header value.

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Gets a request's Cache-Control header value.

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Gets a request's charset.

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Gets a request's Content-Length header value.

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Gets a request's content type or returns ContentType.Any.

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A document name is a substring after the last slash but before a query string.

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Internal helper function to encode raw parameters. Should not be used directly.

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Gets the first value of a name header or returns null if missing.

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Gets a request's host value without a port.

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Checks whether a request's body is chunk-encoded.

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Checks whether a request body is multipart-encoded.

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Get a request's Location header value.

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Get a request's URL path without a query string.

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Gets a request's port extracted from the Host header value.

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Gets a request's query string or returns an empty string if missing.

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Gets ranges parsed from a request's Range header value.

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open override fun receiveChannel(): ByteReadChannel

Receives a raw body payload as a channel.

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Generates a string representing this ApplicationRequest suitable for logging

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Gets a request's User-Agent header value.