
class Parameterized(val authScheme: String, val parameters: List<HeaderValueParam>, val encoding: HeaderValueEncoding = HeaderValueEncoding.QUOTED_WHEN_REQUIRED) : HttpAuthHeader

Describes a parameterized authentication header that is represented by a set of parameters encoded with encoding.


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constructor(authScheme: String, parameters: Map<String, String>, encoding: HeaderValueEncoding = HeaderValueEncoding.QUOTED_WHEN_REQUIRED)
constructor(authScheme: String, parameters: List<HeaderValueParam>, encoding: HeaderValueEncoding = HeaderValueEncoding.QUOTED_WHEN_REQUIRED)


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auth scheme, usually one of AuthScheme

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parameters encoding method, one of HeaderValueEncoding

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a list of auth parameters


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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fun parameter(name: String): String?

Tries to extract the first value of a parameter name. Returns null when not found.

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open override fun render(): String

Encodes the header with the default HeaderValueEncoding for this header.

open override fun render(encoding: HeaderValueEncoding): String

Encodes the header with a specified encoding.

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open override fun toString(): String

Encodes the header with the default HeaderValueEncoding for this header.

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Copies this Parameterized appending a new parameter name.

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Copies this Parameterized replacing parameters with name assigning new value or appending if no such parameters found. If there were several pairs they will be reduced into a single pair at position of first occurrence discarding following pairs with this name.