Package-level declarations


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suspend fun HttpClient.webSocketRaw(method: HttpMethod = HttpMethod.Get, host: String? = null, port: Int? = null, path: String? = null, request: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}, block: suspend ClientWebSocketSession.() -> Unit)

Creates a raw ClientWebSocketSession: no ping-pong and other service messages are used.

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suspend fun HttpClient.webSocketRawSession(method: HttpMethod = HttpMethod.Get, host: String? = null, port: Int? = null, path: String? = null, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): ClientWebSocketSession

Creates a raw ClientWebSocketSession: no ping-pong and other service messages are used.

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suspend fun HttpClient.wsRaw(method: HttpMethod = HttpMethod.Get, host: String? = null, port: Int? = null, path: String? = null, request: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}, block: suspend ClientWebSocketSession.() -> Unit)

Creates a raw ClientWebSocketSession: no ping-pong and other service messages are used.

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suspend fun HttpClient.wssRaw(method: HttpMethod = HttpMethod.Get, host: String? = null, port: Int? = null, path: String? = null, request: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}, block: suspend ClientWebSocketSession.() -> Unit)

Create secure raw ClientWebSocketSession: no ping-pong and other service messages are used.