Package-level declarations


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Exception thrown when a content type string is malformed.

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abstract class CacheControl(val visibility: CacheControl.Visibility?)

Represents a value for a Cache-Control header

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class ContentDisposition(disposition: String, val parameters: List<HeaderValueParam> = emptyList()) : HeaderValueWithParameters

Represents Content-Disposition header value

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sealed class ContentRange

Represents a Range header's particular range

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Represents a value for a Content-Type header.

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Interface for any objects that can match a ContentType.

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data class Cookie(val name: String, val value: String, val encoding: CookieEncoding = CookieEncoding.URI_ENCODING, val maxAge: Int? = null, val expires: GMTDate? = null, val domain: String? = null, val path: String? = null, val secure: Boolean = false, val httpOnly: Boolean = false, val extensions: Map<String, String?> = emptyMap())

Represents a cookie with name, content and a set of settings such as expiration, visibility and security. A cookie with neither expires nor maxAge is a session cookie.

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Cooke encoding strategy

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interface Headers : StringValues

Represents HTTP headers as a map from case-insensitive names to collection of String values

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class HeadersImpl(values: Map<String, List<String>> = emptyMap()) : StringValuesImpl, Headers
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data class HeaderValue(val value: String, val params: List<HeaderValueParam> = emptyList())

Represents a header value. Similar to HeaderValueWithParameters

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data class HeaderValueParam(val name: String, val value: String, val escapeValue: Boolean)

Represents a single value parameter

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abstract class HeaderValueWithParameters(content: String, val parameters: List<HeaderValueParam> = emptyList())

Represents a header value that consist of content followed by parameters. Useful for headers such as Content-Type, Content-Disposition and so on.

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interface HttpMessage

A message either from the client or the server, that has headers associated.

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A builder message either for the client or the server, that has a headers builder associated.

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data class HttpMethod(val value: String)

Represents an HTTP method (verb)

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data class HttpProtocolVersion(val name: String, val major: Int, val minor: Int)

Represents an HTTP protocol version.

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data class HttpStatusCode(val value: Int, val description: String) : Comparable<HttpStatusCode>

Represents an HTTP status code and description.

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class IllegalHeaderNameException(val headerName: String, val position: Int) : IllegalArgumentException

Thrown when an illegal header name was used. A header name should only consist from visible characters without delimiters "double quote" and the following characters: (),/:;<=>?@[\]{}.

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class IllegalHeaderValueException(val headerValue: String, val position: Int) : IllegalArgumentException

Thrown when an illegal header value was used. A header value should only consist from visible characters, spaces and/or HTAB (0x09).

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Represents a Link header value as per RFC 5988

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Represents HTTP parameters as a map from case-insensitive names to collection of String values

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class ParametersImpl(values: Map<String, List<String>> = emptyMap()) : StringValuesImpl, Parameters
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data class RangesSpecifier(val unit: String = RangeUnits.Bytes.unitToken, val ranges: List<ContentRange>)

Range specifier for partial content requests (RFC 2616 sec 14.35.1)

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Possible content range units: bytes and none

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Represents request address information is used to make a call. There are at least two possible instances: "local" is how we see request at the server application and "actual" is what we can recover from proxy provided headers.

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Thrown when an attempt to set unsafe header detected. A header is unsafe if listed in HttpHeaders.UnsafeHeadersList.

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class Url

Represents an immutable URL

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class URLBuilder(protocol: URLProtocol? = null, var host: String = "", port: Int = DEFAULT_PORT, user: String? = null, password: String? = null, pathSegments: List<String> = emptyList(), parameters: Parameters = Parameters.Empty, fragment: String = "", var trailingQuery: Boolean = false)

A URL builder with all mutable components

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URL decoder exception

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Thrown when failed to parse URL

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data class URLProtocol(val name: String, val defaultPort: Int)

Represents URL protocol


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const val DEFAULT_PORT: Int = 0

Select default port value from protocol.

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Full encoded path with query string but without domain, port and schema

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Host:port pair, not normalized so port is always specified even if the port is schema's default

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Returns "host:port" when port is specified. Else, returns host.

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Checks if Url has absolute path.

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Checks if Url has absolute path.

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Hostname of current origin.

Hostname of current origin.

Hostname of current origin.

Hostname of current origin.

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A Url protocol and authority.


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Append formatted header value to the builder

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fun URLBuilder.appendPathSegments(vararg components: String, encodeSlash: Boolean = false): URLBuilder

Adds components to current encodedPath

fun URLBuilder.appendPathSegments(segments: List<String>, encodeSlash: Boolean = false): URLBuilder

Adds segments to current encodedPath.

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fun Appendable.appendUrlFullPath(encodedPath: String, encodedQueryParameters: ParametersBuilder, trailingQuery: Boolean)
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fun buildUrl(block: URLBuilder.() -> Unit): Url

Construct a Url by applying block an empty UrlBuilder.

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Parse CacheControl header.

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Extracts a Charset value from the given Content-Type, Content-Disposition or similar header value.

Parse charset from Content-Type header value.

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Create a copy of this builder. Modifications in a copy is not reflected in the original instance and vise-versa.

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Parse Content-Length header value.

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fun contentRangeHeaderValue(range: LongRange?, fullLength: Long? = null, unit: RangeUnits = RangeUnits.Bytes): String
fun contentRangeHeaderValue(range: LongRange?, fullLength: Long? = null, unit: String = RangeUnits.Bytes.unitToken): String

Format Content-Range header value

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Parse Content-Type header value.

Set Content-Type header.

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Parse Set-Cookie header value.

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Parse Date header.

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fun decodeCookieValue(encodedValue: String, encoding: CookieEncoding): String

Decode cookie value using the specified encoding

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fun String.decodeURLPart(start: Int = 0, end: Int = length, charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8): String

Decode percent encoded URL part within the specified range [start, end). This function is not intended to decode urlencoded forms so it doesn't decode plus character to space.

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fun String.decodeURLQueryComponent(start: Int = 0, end: Int = length, plusIsSpace: Boolean = false, charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8): String

Decode URL query component

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Encode cookie value using the specified encoding

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Encode this in percent encoding specified here:

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fun String.encodeURLParameter(spaceToPlus: Boolean = false): String

Encode this as query parameter key.

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fun String.encodeURLPath(encodeSlash: Boolean = false, encodeEncoded: Boolean = true): String

Get the URL-encoding of this string, with options to skip / characters or to prevent encoding already-encoded characters (%hh items).

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Encodes URL path segment. It escapes all illegal or ambiguous characters

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fun String.encodeURLQueryComponent(encodeFull: Boolean = false, spaceToPlus: Boolean = false, charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8): String

Encode url part as specified in

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Escape using double quotes if needed or keep as is if no dangerous strings found

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Parse E-Tag header value.

fun HeadersBuilder.etag(entityTag: String)

Set E-Tag header

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Parse Expires header.

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Recommended file name extensions for this content type

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Encode form parameters

Encode form parameters from a list of pairs

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Encode form parameters to the specified out appendable

Encode form parameters from a list of pairs to the specified out appendable

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Convert valid cookie date String to GMTDate trying first the RFC6265 standard, falling back on fromHttpToGmtDate

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Recommended content type by file name extension

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Recommended content types by file path

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Convert valid http date String to GMTDate trying various http date formats from HTTP_DATE_FORMATS

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fun headers(builder: HeadersBuilder.() -> Unit): Headers

Builds a Headers instance with the given builder function

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Returns empty headers

fun headersOf(vararg pairs: Pair<String, List<String>>): Headers

Returns Headers instance from pairs

fun headersOf(name: String, value: String): Headers

Returns Headers instance containing only one header with the specified name and value

fun headersOf(name: String, values: List<String>): Headers

Returns Headers instance containing only one header with the specified name and values

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fun hostIsIp(host: String): Boolean

Check if host is IPv4 or IPv6 address.

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Set If-Modified-Since header.

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Set If-None-Match header value.

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operator fun Url.Companion.invoke(fullUrl: String): Url

Construct Url from String

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Check if the protocol is secure

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Checks if a given status code is a success code according to HTTP standards.

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Check if the protocol is websocket

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Parse Last-Modified header.

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Append Max-Age header value.

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Builds a Parameters instance with the given builder function

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Returns an empty Parameters instance

fun parametersOf(vararg pairs: Pair<String, List<String>>): Parameters

Creates a Parameters instance from the specified pairs

Creates a Parameters instance from the entries of the given map

fun parametersOf(name: String, value: String): Parameters

Creates a Parameters instance containing only single pair

fun parametersOf(name: String, values: List<String>): Parameters

Creates a Parameters instance containing only single pair of name with multiple values

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Parse Content-Type header values and sort them by quality and asterisks quantity

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Parse header value and sort multiple values according to qualities

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fun parseClientCookiesHeader(cookiesHeader: String, skipEscaped: Boolean = true): Map<String, String>

Parse client's Cookie header value

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fun parseHeaderValue(text: String?, parametersOnly: Boolean): List<HeaderValue>

Parse header value respecting multi-values

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fun parseQueryString(query: String, startIndex: Int = 0, limit: Int = 1000, decode: Boolean = true): Parameters

Parse query string withing starting at the specified startIndex but up to limit pairs

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Parse Range header value

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Parse server's Set-Cookie header value

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fun parseUrl(urlString: String): Url?

Parses the given URL string and returns a Url object if valid, otherwise, it returns null.

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fun String.parseUrlEncodedParameters(defaultEncoding: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8, limit: Int = 1000): Parameters

Parse URL query parameters. Shouldn't be used for urlencoded forms because of + character.

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fun URLBuilder.path(vararg path: String)

Replace components in the current encodedPath. The path components will be escaped, except / character.

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operator fun Parameters): Parameters

Plus operator function that creates a new parameters instance from the original one concatenating with other

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Escape string using double quotes

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Format Cookie header value

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fun renderSetCookieHeader(name: String, value: String, encoding: CookieEncoding = CookieEncoding.URI_ENCODING, maxAge: Int? = null, expires: GMTDate? = null, domain: String? = null, path: String? = null, secure: Boolean = false, httpOnly: Boolean = false, extensions: Map<String, String?> = emptyMap(), includeEncoding: Boolean = true): String

Format Set-Cookie header value

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fun URLBuilder.set(scheme: String? = null, host: String? = null, port: Int? = null, path: String? = null, block: URLBuilder.() -> Unit = {})

Sets the url parts using the specified scheme, host, port and path. Pass null to keep existing value in the URLBuilder.

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Parse Set-Cookie header value.

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Take components from another url builder

Take components from another url

Take url parts from urlString throws URLParserException

Take URI components from uri

Take URL components from url

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Construct a list of HeaderValueParam from an iterable of pairs

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Convert GMTDate to valid http date String

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fun Url.toURI(): URI

Convert Url to URI

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fun Url(builder: URLBuilder): Url

Construct Url from builder without building origin.

fun Url(urlString: String): Url

Construct Url from urlString.

fun Url(uri: URI): Url

Helper method that concisely creates a Url from a URI

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Construct URLBuilder from builder.

Construct URLBuilder from url.

fun URLBuilder(urlString: String): URLBuilder

Construct URLBuilder from urlString.

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Set User-Agent header value.

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Parse Vary header value.

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Creates a copy of this type with the added charset parameter with charset value.

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Creates a copy of this type with the added charset parameter with charset value if ContentType is not ignored