
Represents TCP client socket options


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SO_KEEPALIVE option is to enable/disable TCP keep-alive

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SO_LINGER option applied at socket close, not recommended to set to 0 however useful for debugging Value of -1 is the default and means that it is not set and system-dependant

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TCP_NODELAY socket option, useful to disable Nagle

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Socket incoming buffer size (SO_RCVBUF), -1 or 0 to make system decide

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SO_REUSEPORT option, may not work with old JDK (will be silently ignored)

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Socket ougoing buffer size (SO_SNDBUF), -1 or 0 to make system decide

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Socket timeout (read and write).

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ToS value, TypeOfService.UNDEFINED by default, may not work with old JDK (will be silently ignored)