
class TestApplicationRequest(call: TestApplicationCall, closeRequest: Boolean, var method: HttpMethod = HttpMethod.Get, var uri: String = "/", var port: Int? = null, var version: String = "HTTP/1.1") : BaseApplicationRequest, CoroutineScope

A test application request


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constructor(call: TestApplicationCall, closeRequest: Boolean, method: HttpMethod = HttpMethod.Get, uri: String = "/", port: Int? = null, version: String = "HTTP/1.1")


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Request body channel.

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override val call: PipelineCall
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open override val cookies: RequestCookies
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override val headers: Headers
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open override val local: RequestConnectionPoint
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HTTP method to be sent or executed

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var port: Int?

(Optional) HTTP port to send request to

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HTTP protocol to be used or was used

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open override val queryParameters: Parameters
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open override val rawQueryParameters: Parameters
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var uri: String

HTTP url to sent request to or was sent to

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HTTP version to sent or executed


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fun addHeader(name: String, value: String)

Adds an HTTP request header.

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Sets an HTTP request body bytes.

Sets an HTTP request body text content.

Set HTTP request body from ByteReadPacket

Sets a multipart HTTP request body.

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override fun setHeader(name: String, values: List<String>?)
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override fun setReceiveChannel(channel: ByteReadChannel)