Package-level declarations


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expect abstract class NetworkAddress

Represents remote endpoint with hostname and port.

actual abstract class NetworkAddress

Represents remote endpoint with hostname and port.

actual typealias NetworkAddress = SocketAddress

Represents remote endpoint with hostname and port.

actual abstract class NetworkAddress(val hostname: String, val port: Int, explicitAddress: Any? = null)

Represents remote endpoint with hostname and port.


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Network address. Usually, it's an IP address in string form. This will not trigger a reverse lookup.

Network address hostname.

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Network address hostname. This may trigger a reverse lookup.

Network address hostname.

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expect val NetworkAddress.port: Int

Network address port.

actual val NetworkAddress.port: Int

Network address port.

actual val NetworkAddress.port: Int


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expect fun NetworkAddress(hostname: String, port: Int): NetworkAddress

Represents remote endpoint with hostname and port.

actual fun NetworkAddress(hostname: String, port: Int): NetworkAddress

Represents remote endpoint with hostname and port.

actual fun NetworkAddress(hostname: String, port: Int): NetworkAddress
actual fun NetworkAddress(hostname: String, port: Int): NetworkAddress
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fun ResolvedNetworkAddress(hostname: String, port: Int, explicitAddress: Any?): NetworkAddress