Package-level declarations


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suspend fun ByteReadChannel.copyTo(out: OutputStream, limit: Long = Long.MAX_VALUE): Long

Copies up to limit bytes from this byte channel to out stream suspending on read channel and blocking on output

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@JvmName(name = "toByteReadChannelWithArrayPool")
fun InputStream.toByteReadChannel(context: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.IO, pool: ObjectPool<ByteArray> = ByteArrayPool): ByteReadChannel

Open a channel and launch a coroutine to copy bytes from the input stream to the channel. Please note that it may block your async code when started on Dispatchers.Unconfined since InputStream is blocking on it's nature

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fun ByteReadChannel.toInputStream(parent: Job? = null): InputStream

Create blocking for this channel that does block every time the channel suspends at read Similar to do reading in runBlocking however you can pass it to regular blocking API

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Create blocking for this channel that does block every time the channel suspends at write Similar to do reading in runBlocking however you can pass it to regular blocking API