
abstract class BaseApplicationEngine(val environment: ApplicationEnvironment, monitor: Events, developmentMode: Boolean, val pipeline: EnginePipeline = defaultEnginePipeline(environment.config, developmentMode)) : ApplicationEngine

Base class for implementing ApplicationEngine

It creates default engine pipeline, provides application property and installs default transformations on respond and receive



instance of ApplicationEnvironment for this engine


pipeline to use with this engine


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constructor(environment: ApplicationEnvironment, monitor: Events, developmentMode: Boolean, pipeline: EnginePipeline = defaultEnginePipeline(environment.config, developmentMode))


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expect fun ApplicationEngine.addShutdownHook(monitor: Events, stop: () -> Unit)

Adds automatic application shutdown hooks management. Should be used before starting the engine. Once application termination noticed, stop block will be executed. Please note that a shutdown hook only registered when the application is running. If the application is already stopped then there will be no hook and no stop function invocation possible. So stop block will be called once or never.

actual fun ApplicationEngine.addShutdownHook(monitor: Events, stop: () -> Unit)

Adds automatic application shutdown hooks management. Should be used before starting the engine. Once application termination noticed, stop block will be executed. Please note that a shutdown hook only registered when the application is running. If the application is already stopped then there will be no hook and no stop function invocation possible. So stop block will be called once or never.

actual fun ApplicationEngine.addShutdownHook(monitor: Events, stop: () -> Unit)

Configures automatic management of JVM shutdown hooks for terminating an application. This function should be invoked before starting the application engine. Once the JVM termination is detected, the stop block will be executed. Please note that a shutdown hook is registered only while the application is running. If the application has already stopped, the hook won't be registered, and invoking stop will have no effect. Therefore, the stop block will be called either once or not at all.

actual fun ApplicationEngine.addShutdownHook(monitor: Events, stop: () -> Unit)

Adds automatic application shutdown hooks management. Should be used before starting the engine. Once application termination noticed, stop block will be executed. Please note that a shutdown hook only registered when the application is running. If the application is already stopped then there will be no hook and no stop function invocation possible. So stop block will be called once or never.

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open suspend override fun resolvedConnectors(): List<EngineConnectorConfig>

Local addresses for application connectors. If environment's connectors was configured to use port=0, you can use this function to get an actual port for these connectors. Available after a server is started.

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abstract fun start(wait: Boolean = false): ApplicationEngine

Starts this ApplicationEngine.

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abstract fun stop(gracePeriodMillis: Long = 500, timeoutMillis: Long = 500)

Stops this ApplicationEngine.

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fun ApplicationEngine.stop(gracePeriod: Long, timeout: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit)
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fun ApplicationEngine.stopServerOnCancellation(application: Application, gracePeriodMillis: Long = 50, timeoutMillis: Long = 5000): CompletableJob

Stop server on job cancellation. The returned deferred need to be completed or cancelled.