Package-level declarations


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open class ApplicationReceivePipeline(val developmentMode: Boolean = false) : Pipeline<Any, PipelineCall>

A pipeline for processing incoming content. When executed, this pipeline starts with an instance of ByteReadChannel.

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A client's request. To learn how to handle incoming requests, see Handling requests.

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Thrown when content cannot be transformed to the desired type.

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A client's request that is used in ApplicationPlugin. To learn how to handle incoming requests, see Handling requests.

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Thrown when a request body has already been received. Usually it is caused by double ApplicationCall.receive invocation.

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open class RequestCookies(request: ApplicationRequest)

Server request's cookies.


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Represents the limit for form field size in bytes for an ApplicationCall. This limit determines the maximum size allowed for form field data in a request.

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Gets a request HTTP method possibly overridden using the X-Http-Method-Override header.

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Gets a request's HTTP version.

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Gets a request's URI, including a query string.


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Get a request's Accept header value.

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Gets a request's Accept-Charset header value.

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Gets the Accept-Charset header charsets sorted according to their qualities.

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Gets a request's Accept-Encoding header value.

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Gets the Accept-Encoding header encoding types sorted according to their qualities.

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Gets the Accept header content types sorted according to their qualities.

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Gets a request's Accept-Language header value.

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Gets the Accept-Language header languages sorted according to their qualities.

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Get a request's Authorization header value.

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Gets a request's Cache-Control header value.

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Gets a request's charset.

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Gets a request's Content-Length header value.

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Gets a request's content type or returns ContentType.Any.

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A document name is a substring after the last slash but before a query string.

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Internal helper function to encode raw parameters. Should not be used directly.

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Gets the first value of a name header or returns null if missing.

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Gets a request's host value without a port.

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Checks whether a request's body is chunk-encoded.

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Checks whether a request body is multipart-encoded.

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Get a request's Location header value.

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Get a request's URL path without a query string.

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Gets a request's port extracted from the Host header value.

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Gets a request's query string or returns an empty string if missing.

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Gets ranges parsed from a request's Range header value.

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inline suspend fun <T : Any> ApplicationCall.receive(): T
suspend fun <T> ApplicationCall.receive(typeInfo: TypeInfo): T
suspend fun <T : Any> ApplicationCall.receive(type: KClass<T>): T

Receives content for this request.

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Receives channel content for this call.

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inline suspend fun ApplicationCall.receiveMultipart(formFieldLimit: Long = DEFAULT_FORM_FIELD_MAX_SIZE): MultiPartData

Receives multipart data for this call.

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inline suspend fun <T> ApplicationCall.receiveNullable(): T?

Receives content for this request.

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inline suspend fun <T : Any> ApplicationCall.receiveOrNull(): T?
suspend fun <T : Any> ApplicationCall.receiveOrNull(typeInfo: TypeInfo): T?
suspend fun <T : Any> ApplicationCall.receiveOrNull(type: KClass<T>): T?

Receives content for this request.

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Receives form parameters for this call.

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Receives stream content for this call.

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inline suspend fun ApplicationCall.receiveText(): String

Receives incoming content for this call as String.

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Gets a request's User-Agent header value.