Package-level declarations


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Creates an url using current call's schema, path and parameters as initial

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inline fun Parameters.getOrFail(name: String): String

Get parameters value associated with this name or fail with MissingRequestParameterException

inline fun <R : Any> Parameters.getOrFail(name: String): R

Get parameters value associated with this name converting to type R using DefaultConversionService or fail with MissingRequestParameterException

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inline operator fun <R : Any> Parameters.getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): R

Operator function that allows to delegate variables by call parameters. It does conversion to type R using DefaultConversionService

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Process path components such as . and .., replacing redundant path components including all leading. It also discards all reserved characters and component names that are reserved (such as CON, NUL).

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fun url(block: URLBuilder.() -> Unit): String

Construct a URL

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inline fun ApplicationCall.url(block: URLBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): String

Creates an url using current call's schema, path and parameters as initial and then invokes block function on the url builder so amend parameters