
An authentication context for a call.



instance of ApplicationCall this context is for.


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constructor(call: ApplicationCall)


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object Companion


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All registered errors during auth procedure (only AuthenticationFailedCause.Error).

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All authentication failures during auth procedure including missing or invalid credentials.

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Retrieves an authenticated principal, or returns null if a user isn't authenticated.


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Requests a challenge to be sent to the client if none of mechanisms can authenticate a user.

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Appends an error to the errors list. Overwrites if already registered for the same key.

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fun principal(principal: Any)

Sets an authenticated principal for this context.

inline fun <T : Any> principal(provider: String? = null): T?

Retrieves a principal of the type T from provider with name provider, if any.

fun principal(provider: String? = null, principal: Any)

Sets an authenticated principal for this context from provider with name provider.

fun <T : Any> principal(provider: String?, klass: KClass<T>): T?

Retrieves a principal of the type T, if any.