Package-level declarations


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List of CacheControl known values.

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Concrete OutgoingContent without a payload.

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class HttpResponseReceiveFail(val response: HttpResponse, val cause: Throwable)

Utility class containing response and fail reasons for an HttpResponseReceiveFailed event.


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const val DEFAULT_HTTP_BUFFER_SIZE: Int = 4096

Size of each buffer in the HttpClientDefaultPool.

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const val DEFAULT_HTTP_POOL_SIZE: Int = 1000

Maximum number of buffers to be allocated in the HttpClientDefaultPool.

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Singleton pool of ByteBuffer objects used for HttpClient.

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Occurs after the creation of a new request

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Occurs before sending the request, and after execution of all interceptors.

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Occurs when the response is cancelled due to an exception.

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Occurs after responses headers have been received.

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Occurs when an exception is thrown during receiving of body.


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fun buildHeaders(block: HeadersBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): Headers

Builds an instance of Headers using the block function.

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expect fun Dispatchers.clientDispatcher(threadCount: Int, dispatcherName: String = "ktor-client-dispatcher"): CoroutineDispatcher

Creates CoroutineDispatcher for the client with fixed threadCount and specified dispatcherName.

actual fun Dispatchers.clientDispatcher(threadCount: Int, dispatcherName: String): CoroutineDispatcher

Creates CoroutineDispatcher for client with fixed threadCount and specified dispatcherName.

actual fun Dispatchers.clientDispatcher(threadCount: Int, dispatcherName: String): CoroutineDispatcher

Creates CoroutineDispatcher based on thread pool of threadCount threads.

actual fun Dispatchers.clientDispatcher(threadCount: Int, dispatcherName: String): CoroutineDispatcher

Creates CoroutineDispatcher for client with fixed threadCount and specified dispatcherName.

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fun HeadersBuilder.dropCompressionHeaders(method: HttpMethod, attributes: Attributes, alwaysRemove: Boolean = false)

This function should be used for engines which apply decompression but don't drop compression headers (like js and Curl) to make sure all the plugins and checks work with the correct content length and encoding.

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If the exception contains cause that differs from CancellationException returns it otherwise returns itself.

If the exception contains cause that differs from CancellationException returns it otherwise returns itself.

If the exception contains cause that differs from CancellationException returns it otherwise returns itself.

If the exception contains cause that differs from CancellationException returns it otherwise returns itself.

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Generates a new OutgoingContent of the same abstract type but with OutgoingContent.headers transformed by the specified block.