Package io.ktor.client.utils
List of CacheControl known values.
Concrete OutgoingContent without a payload.
Creates CoroutineDispatcher for client with fixed threadCount and specified dispatcherName.
Creates CoroutineDispatcher based on thread pool of threadCount threads.
Creates CoroutineDispatcher for client with fixed threadCount and specified dispatcherName.
Creates CoroutineDispatcher based on thread pool of threadCount threads.
If the exception contains cause that differs from CancellationException returns it otherwise returns itself.
If the exception contains cause that differs from CancellationException returns it otherwise returns itself.
If the exception contains cause that differs from CancellationException returns it otherwise returns itself.
Generates a new OutgoingContent of the same abstract type but with OutgoingContent.headers transformed by the specified block.
Singleton pool of ByteBuffer objects used for HttpClient.