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fun InputStream.asInput(pool: ObjectPool<ChunkBuffer> = ChunkBuffer.Pool): Input
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fun OutputStream.asOutput(): Output
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fun fread(buffer: Buffer, stream: <ERROR CLASS><<ERROR CLASS>>): <ERROR CLASS>
fun fread(destination: Memory, offset: Int, length: Int, stream: <ERROR CLASS><<ERROR CLASS>>): Int
fun fread(destination: Memory, offset: Long, length: Long, stream: <ERROR CLASS><<ERROR CLASS>>): Long
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fun fwrite(buffer: Buffer, stream: <ERROR CLASS><<ERROR CLASS>>): <ERROR CLASS>
fun fwrite(source: Memory, offset: Int, length: Int, stream: <ERROR CLASS><<ERROR CLASS>>): Int
fun fwrite(source: Memory, offset: Long, length: Long, stream: <ERROR CLASS><<ERROR CLASS>>): Long
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fun Input(file: <ERROR CLASS><<ERROR CLASS>>): Input

Create a blocking Input reading from the specified file instance using fread.

fun Input(fileDescriptor: Int): Input

Create a blocking Input reading from the specified fileDescriptor using read.

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fun ByteReadPacket.inputStream(): InputStream

Creates InputStream adapter to the packet

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fun Output(file: <ERROR CLASS><<ERROR CLASS>>): Output

Create a blocking Output writing to the specified file instance using fwrite.

fun Output(fileDescriptor: Int): Output

Create a blocking Output writing to the specified fileDescriptor using write.

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fun BytePacketBuilder.outputStream(): OutputStream

Creates OutputStream adapter to the builder

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fun read(fildes: Int, buffer: Buffer): <ERROR CLASS>
fun read(fildes: Int, destination: Memory, offset: Int, length: Int): Int
fun read(fildes: Int, destination: Memory, offset: Long, length: Long): Long
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fun ByteReadPacket.readerUTF8(): Reader

Creates Reader from the byte packet that decodes UTF-8 characters

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fun InputStream.readPacketAtLeast(n: Long): ByteReadPacket

Read a packet of at least n bytes or all remaining. Does fail if not enough bytes remaining.

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fun InputStream.readPacketAtMost(n: Long): ByteReadPacket

Read a packet of at most n bytes. Resulting packet could be empty however this function always reads as much bytes as possible.

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fun InputStream.readPacketExact(n: Long): ByteReadPacket

Read a packet of exactly n bytes

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fun recv(socket: <ERROR CLASS>, buffer: Buffer, flags: Int): <ERROR CLASS>
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fun recvfrom(socket: <ERROR CLASS>, buffer: Buffer, flags: Int, addr: <ERROR CLASS><<ERROR CLASS>>, addr_len: <ERROR CLASS><<ERROR CLASS>>): <ERROR CLASS>
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fun send(socket: <ERROR CLASS>, buffer: Buffer, flags: Int): <ERROR CLASS>
fun send(socket: <ERROR CLASS>, source: Memory, sourceOffset: Int, maxLength: Int, flags: Int): Int
fun send(socket: <ERROR CLASS>, source: Memory, sourceOffset: Long, maxLength: Long, flags: Int): Long
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fun sendto(socket: <ERROR CLASS>, buffer: Buffer, flags: Int, addr: <ERROR CLASS><<ERROR CLASS>>, addr_len: <ERROR CLASS>): <ERROR CLASS>
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inline fun <R> <ERROR CLASS><<ERROR CLASS>>.use(block: (<ERROR CLASS><<ERROR CLASS>>) -> R): R
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fun write(fildes: Int, buffer: Buffer): <ERROR CLASS>
fun write(fildes: Int, source: Memory, offset: Int, length: Int): Int
fun write(fildes: Int, source: Memory, offset: Long, length: Long): Long
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fun OutputStream.writePacket(packet: ByteReadPacket)

Write the whole packet to the stream

fun OutputStream.writePacket(builder: BytePacketBuilder.() -> Unit)

Write the whole packet to the stream once it is built via builder lambda

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fun BytePacketBuilder.writerUTF8(): Writer

Creates Writer that encodes all characters in UTF-8 encoding