Package io.ktor.http.content


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enum CompressedFileType : Enum<CompressedFileType>

Supported pre compressed file types and associated extensions

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class HttpStatusCodeContent(value: HttpStatusCode) : OutgoingContent.NoContent

Represents a simple status code response with no content

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class JarFileContent(jarFile: File, resourcePath: String, contentType: ContentType) : OutgoingContent.ReadChannelContent

Represents an OutgoingContent for a resource inside a Jar file

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class LocalFileContent(file: File, contentType: ContentType) : OutgoingContent.ReadChannelContent

OutgoingContent representing a local file with a specified contentType, expires date and caching


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fun CachingOptions(cacheControl: CacheControl? = null, expires: ZonedDateTime): CachingOptions

Creates CachingOptions instance with ZonedDateTime expiration time

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fun Route.default(localPath: File)
fun Route.default(localPath: String)

Specifies localPath as a default file to serve when folder is requested

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fun Route.defaultResource(resource: String, resourcePackage: String? = null)

Specifies resource as a default resources to serve when folder is requested

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fun Route.file(remotePath: String, localPath: File)
fun Route.file(remotePath: String, localPath: String = remotePath)

Sets up routing to serve localPath file as remotePath

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fun Route.files(folder: File)
fun Route.files(folder: String)

Sets up routing to serve all files from folder

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fun LastModifiedVersion(lastModified: FileTime): LastModifiedVersion

Construct LastModifiedVersion version from a FileTime instance

fun LastModifiedVersion(lastModified: ZonedDateTime): LastModifiedVersion

Construct LastModifiedVersion version from a ZonedDateTime instance

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fun LocalFileContent(baseDir: File, relativePath: String, contentType: ContentType = ContentType.defaultForFilePath(relativePath)): LocalFileContent
fun LocalFileContent(baseDir: Path, relativePath: Path, contentType: ContentType = ContentType.defaultForFile(relativePath)): LocalFileContent

Creates an instance of LocalFileContent for a file designated by relativePath in a baseDir

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fun Route.preCompressed(vararg types: CompressedFileType = CompressedFileType.values(), configure: Route.() -> Unit)

Support pre-compressed files in the file system only (not just any classpath resource)

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fun ApplicationCall.resolveResource(path: String, resourcePackage: String? = null, classLoader: ClassLoader = application.environment.classLoader, mimeResolve: (String) -> ContentType = { ContentType.defaultForFileExtension(it) }): OutgoingContent?
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fun Route.resource(remotePath: String, resource: String = remotePath, resourcePackage: String? = null)

Sets up routing to serve resource as remotePath in resourcePackage

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fun resourceClasspathResource(url: URL, path: String, mimeResolve: (String) -> ContentType): OutgoingContent?

Attempt to find a local file or a file inside of zip. This is not required but very good to have to improve performance and unnecessary creation.

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fun Route.resources(resourcePackage: String? = null)

Sets up routing to serve all resources in resourcePackage

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fun Route.static(configure: Route.() -> Unit): Route

Create a block for static content

fun Route.static(remotePath: String, configure: Route.() -> Unit): Route

Create a block for static content at specified remotePath

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Default outgoing content transformation


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var Route.staticBasePackage: String?

Base package for relative resources calculations for static content

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var Route.staticRootFolder: File?

Base folder for relative files calculations for static content