Package io.ktor.request
Pipeline for processing incoming content
Represents a subject for ApplicationReceivePipeline
Represents client's request
Thrown when content cannot be transformed to the desired type.
Thrown when a request body has already been received. Usually it is caused by double ApplicationCall.receive invocation.
Server request's cookies
Request's Accept
header value
Request's Accept-Charset
header value
Parsed and sorted request's Accept-Charset
header value
Request's Accept-Encoding
header value
Parsed and sorted request's Accept-Encoding
header value
Parsed request's Accept
header and sorted according to quality
Request's Accept-Language
header value
Parsed and sorted request's Accept-Language
header value
Request authorization header value
Request's Cache-Control
header value
Request's charset
Request's content type or ContentType.Any
Request's document name (substring after the last slash but before query string)
Request's host without port
Check if request's body is chunk-encoded
Check if request body is multipart-encoded
Request's Location
header value
Request's path without query string
Request's port extracted from Host
header value
Request's query string or empty string if missing
Parsed request's Range
header value
Receives channel content for this call.
Receives multipart data for this call.
Receives content for this request.
Receives form parameters for this call.
Receives stream content for this call.
Receives incoming content for this call as String.
Request's User-Agent
header value