
interface ApplicationCall

Represents a single act of communication between client and server.


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abstract val application: Application

Application being called

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abstract val attributes: Attributes

Attributes attached to this instance

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abstract val parameters: Parameters

Parameters associated with this call

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abstract val request: ApplicationRequest

Client request

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abstract val response: ApplicationResponse

Server response


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val ApplicationCall.callId: String?

A call id that is retrieved or generated by CallId feature or null (this is possible if there is no call id provided and no generators configured or CallId feature is not installed)

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fun ApplicationCall.defaultTextContentType(contentType: ContentType?): ContentType

Creates a default ContentType based on the given contentType and current call

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fun ApplicationCall.push(pathAndQuery: String)
fun ApplicationCall.push(encodedPath: String, parameters: Parameters)

Produces HTTP/2 push from server to client or sets HTTP/1.x hint header or does nothing. Exact behaviour is up to engine implementation.

fun ApplicationCall.push(block: ResponsePushBuilder.() -> Unit)

Produces HTTP/2 push from server to client or sets HTTP/1.x hint header or does nothing (may call or not call block). Exact behaviour is up to engine implementation.

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inline suspend fun <T : Any> ApplicationCall.receive(): T
suspend fun <T : Any> ApplicationCall.receive(type: KClass<T>): T
suspend fun <T : Any> ApplicationCall.receive(type: KType): T

Receives content for this request.

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inline suspend fun ApplicationCall.receiveChannel(): ByteReadChannel

Receives channel content for this call.

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inline suspend fun ApplicationCall.receiveMultipart(): MultiPartData

Receives multipart data for this call.

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inline suspend fun <T : Any> ApplicationCall.receiveOrNull(): T?
suspend fun <T : Any> ApplicationCall.receiveOrNull(type: KType): T?
suspend fun <T : Any> ApplicationCall.receiveOrNull(type: KClass<T>): T?

Receives content for this request.

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inline suspend fun ApplicationCall.receiveParameters(): Parameters

Receives form parameters for this call.

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inline suspend fun ApplicationCall.receiveStream(): InputStream

Receives stream content for this call.

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inline suspend fun ApplicationCall.receiveText(): String

Receives incoming content for this call as String.

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fun ApplicationCall.resolveResource(path: String, resourcePackage: String? = null, classLoader: ClassLoader = application.environment.classLoader, mimeResolve: (String) -> ContentType = { ContentType.defaultForFileExtension(it) }): OutgoingContent?
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@JvmName(name = "respondWithType")
inline suspend fun <T : Any> ApplicationCall.respond(message: T)
inline suspend fun ApplicationCall.respond(message: Any)

Sends a message as a response

@JvmName(name = "respondWithType")
inline suspend fun <T : Any> ApplicationCall.respond(status: HttpStatusCode, message: T)
inline suspend fun ApplicationCall.respond(status: HttpStatusCode, message: Any)

Sets status and sends a message as a response

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suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondBytes(contentType: ContentType? = null, status: HttpStatusCode? = null, provider: suspend () -> ByteArray)

Responds to a client with a raw bytes response, using specified provider to build a byte array

suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondBytes(bytes: ByteArray, contentType: ContentType? = null, status: HttpStatusCode? = null, configure: OutgoingContent.() -> Unit = {})

Responds to a client with a raw bytes response, using specified bytes

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suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondBytesWriter(contentType: ContentType? = null, status: HttpStatusCode? = null, producer: suspend ByteWriteChannel.() -> Unit)

Respond with binary content producer.

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suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondFile(baseDir: File, fileName: String, configure: OutgoingContent.() -> Unit = {})

Responds to a client with a contents of a file with the name fileName in the baseDir folder

suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondFile(file: File, configure: OutgoingContent.() -> Unit = {})

Responds to a client with a contents of a file

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suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondOutputStream(contentType: ContentType? = null, status: HttpStatusCode? = null, producer: suspend OutputStream.() -> Unit)

Respond with binary content producer.

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suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondRedirect(url: String, permanent: Boolean = false)

Responds to a client with a 301 Moved Permanently or 302 Found redirect

inline suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondRedirect(permanent: Boolean = false, block: URLBuilder.() -> Unit)

Responds to a client with a 301 Moved Permanently or 302 Found redirect. Unlike the other respondRedirect it provides a way to build URL based on current call using block function

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suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondText(text: String, contentType: ContentType? = null, status: HttpStatusCode? = null, configure: OutgoingContent.() -> Unit = {})

Responds to a client with a plain text response, using specified text

suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondText(contentType: ContentType? = null, status: HttpStatusCode? = null, provider: suspend () -> String)

Responds to a client with a plain text response, using specified provider to build a text

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suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondTextWriter(contentType: ContentType? = null, status: HttpStatusCode? = null, writer: suspend Writer.() -> Unit)

Respond with text content writer.

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val ApplicationCall.sessionId: String?

Returns a sessionId for for a single session identified by ID. This will not work if there are multiple sessions by ID were registered or the Sessions feature is not installed. If you are using multiple sessions, please use sessionId function instead.

inline fun <SessionType : Any> ApplicationCall.sessionId(): String?

Returns the corresponding session ID for the type SessionType or null if no session provided. It will crash if no session provider for type SessionType installed or no Sessions feature installed.

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val ApplicationCall.sessions: CurrentSession

Get current session or fail if no session feature installed

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fun ApplicationCall.suitableCharset(defaultCharset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8): Charset

Detect suitable charset for an application call by Accept header or fallback to defaultCharset

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inline fun ApplicationCall.url(block: URLBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): String

Creates an url using current call's schema, path and parameters as initial and then invokes block function on the url builder so amend parameters

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suspend fun ApplicationCall.withETag(etag: String, putHeader: Boolean = true, block: suspend () -> Unit)

Checks current etag value and pass it through conditions supplied by the remote client. Depends on conditions it produces 410 Precondition Failed or 304 Not modified responses when necessary. Otherwise sets ETag header and delegates to the block function