
interface Attributes

Map of attributes accessible by AttributeKey in a typed manner


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abstract fun <T : Any> computeIfAbsent(key: AttributeKey<T>, block: () -> T): T

Gets a value of the attribute for the specified key, or calls supplied block to compute its value

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abstract operator fun contains(key: AttributeKey<*>): Boolean

Checks if an attribute with the specified key exists

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open operator fun <T : Any> get(key: AttributeKey<T>): T

Gets a value of the attribute for the specified key, or throws an exception if an attribute doesn't exist

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abstract fun <T : Any> getOrNull(key: AttributeKey<T>): T?

Gets a value of the attribute for the specified key, or return null if an attribute doesn't exist

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abstract fun <T : Any> put(key: AttributeKey<T>, value: T)

Creates or changes an attribute with the specified key using value

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abstract fun <T : Any> remove(key: AttributeKey<T>)

Removes an attribute with the specified key

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open fun <T : Any> take(key: AttributeKey<T>): T

Removes an attribute with the specified key and returns its current value, throws an exception if an attribute doesn't exist

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open fun <T : Any> takeOrNull(key: AttributeKey<T>): T?

Removes an attribute with the specified key and returns its current value, returns null if an attribute doesn't exist


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abstract val allKeys: List<AttributeKey<*>>

Returns List of all AttributeKey instances in this map


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fun Attributes.putAll(other: Attributes)

Adds all attributes from another collection, replacing original values if any.