Package io.ktor.util


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object AlwaysFailNonceManager : NonceManager

Stub implementation that always fails. Will be removed so no public signatures should rely on it

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class AttributeKey<T>(name: String)

Specifies a key for an attribute in Attributes

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interface Attributes

Map of attributes accessible by AttributeKey in a typed manner

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class CaseInsensitiveMap<Value> : MutableMap<String, Value>

A map with case insensitive String keys

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class CaseInsensitiveSet : MutableSet<String>
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interface Digest

Stateful digest class specified to calculate digest.

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interface Encoder

Content encoder.

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object GenerateOnlyNonceManager : NonceManager

This implementation does only generate nonce values but doesn't validate them. This is recommended for testing only.

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object Hash
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object Identity : Encoder

Empty Encoder that doesn't do any changes.

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API marked with this annotation is internal, and it is not intended to be used outside Ktor. It could be modified or removed without any notice. Using it outside Ktor could cause undefined behaviour and/or any unexpected effects.

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API marked with this annotation is experimental and is not guaranteed to be stable.

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expect class Lock
actual class Lock
actual class Lock
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interface NonceManager

Represents a nonce manager. Its responsibility is to produce nonce values and verify nonce values from untrusted sources that they are provided by this manager. This is usually required in web environment to mitigate CSRF attacks. Depending on it's underlying implementation it could be stateful or stateless. Note that there is usually some timeout for nonce values to reduce memory usage and to avoid replay attacks. Nonce length is unspecified.

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expect object PlatformUtils
actual object PlatformUtils
actual object PlatformUtils
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API marked with this annotation is intended to become public in the future version. Usually it means that the API can't be public at the moment of development due to compatibility guarantees restrictions.

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class StatelessHmacNonceManager(keySpec: SecretKeySpec, algorithm: String, timeoutMillis: Long, nonceGenerator: () -> String) : NonceManager

Stateless nonce manager implementation with HMAC verification and timeout. Every nonce provided by this manager consist of a random part, timestamp and HMAC.

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interface StringValues

Provides data structure for associating a String with a List of Strings

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open class StringValuesBuilder(caseInsensitiveName: Boolean, size: Int)
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open class StringValuesImpl(caseInsensitiveName: Boolean, values: Map<String, List<String>>) : StringValues
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open class StringValuesSingleImpl(caseInsensitiveName: Boolean, name: String, values: List<String>) : StringValues


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fun StringValuesBuilder.appendAll(builder: StringValuesBuilder): StringValuesBuilder

Append all values from the specified builder

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fun StringValuesBuilder.appendFiltered(source: StringValues, keepEmpty: Boolean = false, predicate: (String, String) -> Boolean)

Append values from source filtering values by the specified predicate

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fun Input.asStream(): InputStream

Convert Input to java InputStream

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expect fun Attributes(concurrent: Boolean = false): Attributes

Create attributes instance suitable for the particular platform

actual fun Attributes(concurrent: Boolean = false): Attributes

Create JVM specific attributes instance.

actual fun Attributes(concurrent: Boolean = false): Attributes

Create native specific attributes instance.

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suspend fun ByteArray): ByteArray

Calculate digest from current state and specified bytes.

suspend fun String, charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8): ByteArray

Calculate digest from current state and specified string.

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fun <Value> caseInsensitiveMap(): MutableMap<String, Value>

Create an instance of case insensitive mutable map. For internal use only.

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inline fun String.chomp(separator: String, onMissingDelimiter: () -> Pair<String, String>): Pair<String, String>

Splits the given string into two parts before and after separator.

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fun File.combineSafe(relativePath: Path): File
fun File.combineSafe(relativePath: String): File
fun Path.combineSafe(relativePath: Path): File

Append a relativePath safely that means that adding any extra .. path elements will not let access anything out of the reference directory (unless you have symbolic or hard links or multiple mount points)

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operator fun LongRange.contains(other: LongRange): Boolean

Returns true if other range is fully contained inside this range

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fun ByteBuffer.copy(size: Int = remaining()): ByteBuffer

Moves all bytes in this buffer to a newly created buffer with the optionally specified size

fun ByteBuffer.copy(pool: ObjectPool<ByteBuffer>, size: Int = remaining()): ByteBuffer

Moves all bytes in this buffer to a newly created buffer with the optionally specified size by allocating it from the given pool

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fun ByteReadChannel.copyToBoth(first: ByteWriteChannel, second: ByteWriteChannel)

Copy source channel to both output channels chunk by chunk.

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fun <K, V> createLRUCache(supplier: (K) -> V, close: (V) -> Unit, maxSize: Int): Map<K, V>

Create a new instance of thread safe LRUCache and return it.

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fun ByteReadPacket.decodeBase64(): String
fun String.decodeBase64(): String
fun decodeBase64(encodedString: String): ByteArray

Decode bytes from a BASE64 string encodedString

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fun ByteReadPacket.decodeBase64Bytes(): Input

Decode ByteReadPacket from base64 format

fun String.decodeBase64Bytes(): ByteArray

Decode String from base64 format

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fun String.decodeBase64String(): String

Decode String from base64 format encoded in UTF-8.

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fun ByteBuffer.decodeString(charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8): String

Decodes a string from this buffer with the specified charset

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fun ByteReadChannel.deflated(gzip: Boolean = true, pool: ObjectPool<ByteBuffer> = KtorDefaultPool, coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.Unconfined): ByteReadChannel
fun ByteWriteChannel.deflated(gzip: Boolean = true, pool: ObjectPool<ByteBuffer> = KtorDefaultPool, coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.Unconfined): ByteWriteChannel

Launch a coroutine on coroutineContext that does deflate compression optionally doing CRC and writing GZIP header and trailer if gzip = true

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expect fun Digest(name: String): Digest

Create Digest from specified hash name.

actual fun Digest(name: String): Digest

Create Digest from specified hash name.

actual fun Digest(name: String): Digest

Create Digest from specified hash name.

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fun ByteReadPacket.encodeBase64(): String

Encode ByteReadPacket in base64 format

fun ByteArray.encodeBase64(): String

Encode ByteArray in base64 format

fun String.encodeBase64(): String

Encode String in base64 format and UTF-8 character encoding.

fun encodeBase64(bytes: ByteArray): String

Encode bytes as a BASE64 string

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fun Logger.error(exception: Throwable)

Logs an error from an exception using its message

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fun String.escapeHTML(): String

Escapes the characters in a String using HTML entities

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fun StringValues.filter(keepEmpty: Boolean = false, predicate: (String, String) -> Boolean): StringValues

Create a new instance of StringValues filtered by the specified predicate

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fun StringValues.flattenEntries(): List<Pair<String, String>>

Copy values to a list of pairs

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fun StringValues.flattenForEach(block: (String, String) -> Unit)

Invoke block function for every value pair

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expect fun generateNonce(): String

Generates a nonce string. Could block if the system's entropy source is empty

fun generateNonce(size: Int): ByteArray

Generates a nonce bytes of size. Could block if the system's entropy source is empty

actual fun generateNonce(): String

Generates a nonce string 16 characters long. Could block if the system's entropy source is empty

actual fun generateNonce(): String

Generates a nonce string 16 characters long. Could block if the system's entropy source is empty

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fun getDigestFunction(algorithm: String, salt: (value: String) -> String): (String) -> ByteArray

Create a digest function with the specified algorithm and salt provider.

fun getDigestFunction(algorithm: String, salt: String): (String) -> ByteArray

Create a digest function with the specified algorithm and salt

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fun hex(bytes: ByteArray): String

Encode bytes as a HEX string with no spaces, newlines and 0x prefixes.

fun hex(s: String): ByteArray

Decode bytes from HEX string. It should be no spaces and 0x prefixes.

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fun Char.isLowerCase(): Boolean

Check if Char is in lower case

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fun ByteBuffer.moveTo(destination: ByteBuffer, limit: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE): Int

Moves bytes from this buffer to the destination buffer

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fun ByteBuffer.moveToByteArray(): ByteArray

Moves bytes from this buffer into newly created ByteArray and returns it

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fun File.normalizeAndRelativize(): File
fun Path.normalizeAndRelativize(): Path

Remove all redundant . and .. path elements. Leading .. are also considered redundant.

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fun Job.printDebugTree(offset: Int = 0)

Print Job children tree.

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fun Attributes.putAll(other: Attributes)

Adds all attributes from another collection, replacing original values if any.

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fun IoBuffer): Int

Read from a NIO channel into the specified buffer Could return 0 if the channel is non-blocking or buffer has no free space

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fun ByteArray.readShort(offset: Int): Short

Read Short in network order(BE) with specified offset from ByteArray.

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expect fun sha1(bytes: ByteArray): ByteArray

Compute SHA-1 hash for the specified bytes

actual fun sha1(bytes: ByteArray): ByteArray

Compute SHA-1 hash for the specified bytes

actual fun sha1(bytes: ByteArray): ByteArray

Compute SHA-1 hash for the specified bytes

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fun SilentSupervisor(parent: Job? = null): CoroutineContext

Supervisor with empty coroutine exception handler ignoring all exceptions.

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fun ByteReadChannel.split(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope): Pair<ByteReadChannel, ByteReadChannel>

Split source ByteReadChannel into 2 new one. Cancel of one channel in split(input or both outputs) cancels other channels.

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suspend fun ByteReadChannel.toByteArray(): ByteArray

Read channel to byte array.

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fun String.toCharArray(): CharArray

Convert String to CharArray

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fun String.toLowerCasePreservingASCIIRules(): String

Does the same as the regular toLowerCase except that locale-specific rules are not applied to ASCII characters so latin characters are converted by the original english rules.

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fun StringValues.toMap(): Map<String, List<String>>

Copy values to a new independent map

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fun String.toUpperCasePreservingASCIIRules(): String

Does the same as the regular toUpperCase except that locale-specific rules are not applied to ASCII characters so latin characters are converted by the original english rules.

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expect fun <T> Set<T>.unmodifiable(): Set<T>

Freeze selected set. May do nothing on some platforms.

actual fun <T> Set<T>.unmodifiable(): Set<T>

Wraps into an unmodifiable set

actual fun <T> Set<T>.unmodifiable(): Set<T>
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fun valuesOf(): StringValues

Build an empty StringValues instance.

fun valuesOf(vararg pairs: Pair<String, List<String>>, caseInsensitiveKey: Boolean = false): StringValues

Build an instance of StringValues from a vararg list of pairs

fun valuesOf(map: Map<String, Iterable<String>>, caseInsensitiveKey: Boolean = false): StringValues

Build an instance of StringValues from the specified map

fun valuesOf(name: String, value: String, caseInsensitiveKey: Boolean = false): StringValues

Build an instance of StringValues from a single pair

fun valuesOf(name: String, values: List<String>, caseInsensitiveKey: Boolean = false): StringValues

Build an instance of StringValues with a single name and multiple values

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inline fun <R> Lock.withLock(crossinline block: () -> R): R
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fun WritableByteChannel.write(buffer: IoBuffer): Int

Write bytes to a NIO channel from the specified buffer Could return 0 if the channel is non-blocking or buffer has no free space


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val Deflate: Encoder

Implementation of Deflate Encoder.

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val Path.extension: String

Finds an extension of the given Path

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val GZip: Encoder

Implementation of GZip Encoder.

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val LongRange.length: Long

Length of this LongRange

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val Throwable.rootCause: Throwable?

Root cause of the Throwable.