
Represents an application response being handled by Routing


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fun RoutingApplicationResponse(call: RoutingApplicationCall, pipeline: ApplicationSendPipeline, response: ApplicationResponse)


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open override fun push(builder: ResponsePushBuilder)

Produces HTTP/2 push from server to client or sets HTTP/1.x hint header or does nothing. Exact behaviour is up to engine implementation.

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open override fun status(): HttpStatusCode?

Currently set status code for this response, or null if none was set

open override fun status(value: HttpStatusCode)

Set status for this response


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open override val call: RoutingApplicationCall

ApplicationCall instance this ApplicationResponse is attached to

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open override val cookies: ResponseCookies

Cookies for this response

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open override val headers: ResponseHeaders

Headers for this response

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open override val pipeline: ApplicationSendPipeline

Pipeline for sending content