Package io.ktor.client.engine


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class ClientEngineClosedException(cause: Throwable?) : IllegalStateException

Exception that indicates that client engine is already closed.

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object engines : Iterable<T>

Shared engines collection for. Use append to enable engine auto discover in HttpClient().

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interface HttpClientEngine : CoroutineScope, Closeable

Base interface use to define engines for HttpClient.

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abstract class HttpClientEngineBase(engineName: String) : HttpClientEngine

Abstract implementation of HttpClientEngine responsible for lifecycle control of dispatcher and coroutineContext as well as proper call context management. Should be considered as the best parent class for custom HttpClientEngine implementations.

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interface HttpClientEngineCapability<T>

Capability required by request to be supported by HttpClientEngine with T representing type of the capability configuration.

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open class HttpClientEngineConfig

Base configuration for HttpClientEngine.

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interface HttpClientEngineFactory<out T : HttpClientEngineConfig>

Factory of HttpClientEngine with a specific T of HttpClientEngineConfig.

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abstract class HttpClientJvmEngine(engineName: String) : HttpClientEngine

Base jvm implementation for HttpClientEngine

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expect object ProxyBuilder

ProxyConfig factory.

actual object ProxyBuilder

ProxyConfig factory.

actual object ProxyBuilder

ProxyConfig factory.

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expect class ProxyConfig

Proxy configuration.

actual typealias ProxyConfig = Proxy
actual class ProxyConfig(url: Url)

Proxy configuration.

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enum ProxyType : Enum<ProxyType>

Types of proxy


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suspend fun callContext(): CoroutineContext

Returns current call context if exists, otherwise null.

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fun <T : HttpClientEngineConfig> HttpClientEngineFactory<T>.config(nested: T.() -> Unit): HttpClientEngineFactory<T>

Creates a new HttpClientEngineFactory based on this one with further configurations from the nested block.

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fun ProxyBuilder.http(urlString: String): ProxyConfig

Create http proxy from urlString.

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fun mergeHeaders(requestHeaders: Headers, content: OutgoingContent, block: (key: String, value: String) -> Unit)

Merge headers from content and requestHeaders according to OutgoingContent properties

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expect fun ProxyConfig.resolveAddress(): NetworkAddress

Resolve remote address of ProxyConfig.

actual fun ProxyConfig.resolveAddress(): NetworkAddress

Resolve remote address of ProxyConfig.


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val DEFAULT_CAPABILITIES: Set<HttpTimeout.Feature>

Default capabilities expected to be supported by engine.

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Default user agent to use in ktor client.

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expect val ProxyConfig.type: ProxyType

Type of configured proxy.

actual val ProxyConfig.type: ProxyType

Type of configured proxy.