Package io.ktor.server.netty


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object DevelopmentEngine
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object EngineMain

Netty engine

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class EventLoopGroupProxy(channel: KClass<out ServerSocketChannel>, group: EventLoopGroup) : EventLoopGroup

Transparently allows for the creation of EventLoopGroup's utilising the optimal implementation for a given operating system, subject to availability, or falling back to NioEventLoopGroup if none is available.

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abstract class NettyApplicationCall(application: Application, context: ChannelHandlerContext, requestMessage: Any) : BaseApplicationCall
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ApplicationEngine implementation for running in a standalone Netty

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abstract class NettyApplicationRequest(call: ApplicationCall, coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, context: ChannelHandlerContext, requestBodyChannel: ByteReadChannel, uri: String, keepAlive: Boolean) : BaseApplicationRequest, CoroutineScope
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class NettyApplicationRequestHeaders(request: HttpRequest) : Headers
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abstract class NettyApplicationResponse(call: NettyApplicationCall, context: ChannelHandlerContext, engineContext: CoroutineContext, userContext: CoroutineContext) : BaseApplicationResponse
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class NettyChannelInitializer(enginePipeline: EnginePipeline, environment: ApplicationEngineEnvironment, callEventGroup: EventExecutorGroup, engineContext: CoroutineContext, userContext: CoroutineContext, connector: EngineConnectorConfig, requestQueueLimit: Int, runningLimit: Int, responseWriteTimeout: Int, requestReadTimeout: Int, httpServerCodec: () -> HttpServerCodec) : ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>

A ChannelInitializer implementation that does setup the default ktor channel pipeline


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suspend fun <T> Future<T>.suspendAwait(): T

Suspend until the future completion. Resumes with the same exception if the future completes exceptionally

suspend fun <T> Future<T>.suspendAwait(exception: (Throwable, Continuation<T>) -> Unit): T

Suspend until the future completion handling exception from the future using exception function

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suspend fun <T> Future<T>.suspendWriteAwait(): T

Suspend until the future completion. Wraps futures completion exceptions into ChannelWriteException