Package io.ktor.server.engine


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interface ApplicationEngine

Engine which runs an application

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interface ApplicationEngineEnvironment : ApplicationEnvironment

Represents an environment in which engine runs.

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class ApplicationEngineEnvironmentBuilder

Engine environment configuration builder

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class ApplicationEngineEnvironmentReloading(classLoader: ClassLoader, log: Logger, config: ApplicationConfig, connectors: List<EngineConnectorConfig>, modules: List<Application.() -> Unit>, watchPaths: List<String>, parentCoroutineContext: CoroutineContext, rootPath: String, developmentMode: Boolean) : ApplicationEngineEnvironment

Implements ApplicationEngineEnvironment by loading an Application from a folder or jar.

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Factory interface for creating ApplicationEngine instances

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abstract class BaseApplicationCall(application: Application) : ApplicationCall

Base class for implementing an ApplicationCall.

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abstract class BaseApplicationEngine(environment: ApplicationEngineEnvironment, pipeline: EnginePipeline) : ApplicationEngine

Base class for implementing ApplicationEngine

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abstract class BaseApplicationRequest(call: ApplicationCall) : ApplicationRequest

Base class for implementing ApplicationRequest

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abstract class BaseApplicationResponse(call: ApplicationCall) : ApplicationResponse

Base class for implementing an ApplicationResponse

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data class ConnectorType(name: String)

Represents a type of a connector, e.g HTTP or HTTPS.

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class DefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(logger: () -> Logger) : CoroutineExceptionHandler

Handles all uncaught exceptions and logs errors with the specified logger ignoring CancellationException and IOException.

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annotation class EngineAPI

API marked with this annotation is not intended to be used by end users unless a custom server engine implementation is required

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open class EngineConnectorBuilder(type: ConnectorType) : EngineConnectorConfig

Mutable implementation of EngineConnectorConfig for building connectors programmatically

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interface EngineConnectorConfig

Represents a connector configuration.

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class EnginePipeline(developmentMode: Boolean) : Pipeline<Unit, ApplicationCall>

Application engine pipeline. One usually don't need to install interceptors here unless your are writing your own engine implementation

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class EngineSSLConnectorBuilder(keyStore: KeyStore, keyAlias: String, keyStorePassword: () -> CharArray, privateKeyPassword: () -> CharArray) : EngineConnectorBuilder, EngineSSLConnectorConfig

Mutable implementation of EngineSSLConnectorConfig for building connectors programmatically

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interface EngineSSLConnectorConfig : EngineConnectorConfig

Represents an SSL connector configuration.

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class ShutDownUrl(url: String, exitCode: ApplicationCall.() -> Int)

Shutdown URL feature. It stops application when requested particular url


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fun ApplicationEngine.addShutdownHook(stop: () -> Unit)

Adds automatic JVM shutdown hooks management. Should be used before starting the engine. Once JVM termination noticed, stop block will be executed. Please note that a shutdown hook only registered when the application is running. If the application is already stopped then there will be no hook and no stop function invocation possible. So stop block will be called once or never.

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fun commandLineEnvironment(args: Array<String>): ApplicationEngineEnvironment

Creates an ApplicationEngineEnvironment instance from command line arguments

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inline fun ApplicationEngineEnvironmentBuilder.connector(builder: EngineConnectorBuilder.() -> Unit)

Adds a non-secure connector to this engine environment

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fun defaultEnginePipeline(environment: ApplicationEnvironment): EnginePipeline

Default engine pipeline for all engines. Use it only if you are writing your own application engine implementation.

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fun defaultExceptionStatusCode(cause: Throwable): HttpStatusCode?

Map cause to the corresponding status code or null if no default exception mapping for this cause type

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Creates an embedded server with the given factory, environment and configure script

fun <TEngine : ApplicationEngine, TConfiguration : ApplicationEngine.Configuration> embeddedServer(factory: ApplicationEngineFactory<TEngine, TConfiguration>, port: Int = 80, host: String = "", watchPaths: List<String> = listOf(WORKING_DIRECTORY_PATH), configure: TConfiguration.() -> Unit = {}, module: Application.() -> Unit): TEngine
fun <TEngine : ApplicationEngine, TConfiguration : ApplicationEngine.Configuration> CoroutineScope.embeddedServer(factory: ApplicationEngineFactory<TEngine, TConfiguration>, port: Int = 80, host: String = "", watchPaths: List<String> = listOf(WORKING_DIRECTORY_PATH), parentCoroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, configure: TConfiguration.() -> Unit = {}, module: Application.() -> Unit): TEngine

Creates an embedded server with the given factory, listening on host:port

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suspend fun handleFailure(call: ApplicationCall, error: Throwable)
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Default receive transformation

Default send transformation

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fun Job.launchOnCancellation(block: suspend () -> Unit): CompletableJob

Launch a coroutine with block body when the parent job is cancelled or a returned deferred is cancelled. It is important to complete or cancel returned deferred otherwise the parent job will be unable to complete successfully.

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fun BaseApplicationEngine.Configuration.loadCommonConfiguration(deploymentConfig: ApplicationConfig)

Load engine's configuration suitable for all engines from deploymentConfig

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suspend fun logError(call: ApplicationCall, error: Throwable)
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inline fun ApplicationEngineEnvironmentBuilder.sslConnector(keyStore: KeyStore, keyAlias: String, noinline keyStorePassword: () -> CharArray, noinline privateKeyPassword: () -> CharArray, builder: EngineSSLConnectorBuilder.() -> Unit)

Adds a secure connector to this engine environment

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fun ApplicationEngine.stop(gracePeriod: Long, timeout: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit)
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fun ApplicationEngine.stopServerOnCancellation(): CompletableJob

Stop server on job cancellation. The returned deferred need to be completed or cancelled.