
fun <K : Credential, P : Any> ldapAuthenticate(credential: K, ldapServerURL: String, ldapEnvironmentBuilder: (MutableMap<String, Any?>) -> Unit = {}, doVerify: InitialDirContext.(K) -> P?): P?

Do LDAP authentication and verify credential by doVerify function

fun ldapAuthenticate(credential: UserPasswordCredential, ldapServerURL: String, userDNFormat: String, validate: InitialDirContext.(UserPasswordCredential) -> UserIdPrincipal?): UserIdPrincipal?

Do LDAP authentication and verify UserPasswordCredential by validate function and construct UserIdPrincipal

fun ldapAuthenticate(credential: UserPasswordCredential, ldapServerURL: String, userDNFormat: String): UserIdPrincipal?

Do LDAP authentication and verify UserPasswordCredential by userDNFormat and construct UserIdPrincipal