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class DoubleReceiveException(call: HttpClientCall) : IllegalStateException

Exception representing that the response payload has already been received.

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open class HttpClientCall : CoroutineScope

A class that represents a single pair of request and response for a specific HttpClient.

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data class HttpEngineCall(request: HttpRequest, response: HttpResponse)

Raw http call produced by engine.

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class NoTransformationFoundException(response: HttpResponse, from: KClass<*>, to: KClass<*>) : UnsupportedOperationException

Exception representing the no transformation was found. It includes the received type and the expected type as part of the message.

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class ReceivePipelineException constructor(request: HttpClientCall, info: TypeInfo, cause: Throwable) : IllegalStateException

Exception representing fail of the response pipeline cause contains origin pipeline exception

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typealias Type = io.ktor.util.reflect.Type

Information about type.

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data class TypeInfo(type: KClass<*>, reifiedType: Type, kotlinType: KType?) : TypeInfo

Ktor type information.

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class UnsupportedContentTypeException(content: OutgoingContent) : IllegalStateException
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class UnsupportedUpgradeProtocolException(url: Url) : IllegalArgumentException


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suspend fun HttpRequestBuilder): HttpClientCall

Constructs a HttpClientCall from this HttpClient and with the specified HTTP request builder.

suspend fun suspend HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpClientCall

Constructs a HttpClientCall from this HttpClient and with the specified HttpRequestBuilder configured inside the block.

suspend fun Url, block: suspend HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpClientCall

Constructs a HttpClientCall from this HttpClient, an url and an optional block configuring a HttpRequestBuilder.

suspend fun String, block: suspend HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpClientCall

Constructs a HttpClientCall from this HttpClient, an url and an optional block configuring a HttpRequestBuilder.

suspend fun URL, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpClientCall

Constructs a HttpClientCall from this HttpClient, an url and an optional block configuring a HttpRequestBuilder.

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inline suspend fun <T> HttpClientCall.receive(): T

Tries to receive the payload of the response as a specific type T.

inline suspend fun <T> HttpResponse.receive(): T

Tries to receive the payload of the response as a specific type T described in typeInfo.

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suspend fun HttpClientCall

Fetch data for HttpClientCall and close the origin.

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inline fun <T> typeInfo(): TypeInfo

Returns TypeInfo for the specified type T