Package-level declarations


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Exception representing that the response payload has already been received.

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open class HttpClientCall(val client: HttpClient) : CoroutineScope

A pair of a request and response for a specific HttpClient.

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Exception represents the inability to find a suitable transformation for the received body from the resulted type to the expected by the client type.

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Exception representing fail of the response pipeline cause contains origin pipeline exception

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Exception thrown when the engine does not support the content type of the HTTP request body. For instance, some engines do not support upgrade requests.


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inline suspend fun <T> HttpClientCall.body(): T
inline suspend fun <T> HttpResponse.body(): T

Tries to receive the payload of the response as a specific type T.

suspend fun <T> HttpResponse.body(typeInfo: TypeInfo): T

Tries to receive the payload of the response as a specific type T described in typeInfo.

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Saves the entire content of this HttpClientCall to memory and returns a new HttpClientCall with the content cached in memory. This can be particularly useful for caching, debugging, or processing responses without relying on the original network stream.