
A configuration for the jwt authentication provider.


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val name: String?
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Specifies a JWT realm to be passed in WWW-Authenticate header.


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Retrieves an HTTP authentication header. By default, it parses the Authorization header content.

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fun authSchemes(defaultScheme: String = "Bearer", vararg additionalSchemes: String)
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Specifies what to send back if JWT authentication fails.

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fun skipWhen(predicate: (ApplicationCall) -> Boolean)
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fun validate(validate: suspend ApplicationCall.(JWTCredential) -> Any?)

Allows you to perform additional validations on the JWT payload.

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fun verifier(verifier: JWTVerifier)
fun verifier(verifier: (HttpAuthHeader) -> JWTVerifier?)
fun verifier(jwkProvider: JwkProvider, configure: JWTConfigureFunction = {})
fun verifier(issuer: String, block: JWTConfigureFunction = {})
fun verifier(jwkProvider: JwkProvider, issuer: String, configure: JWTConfigureFunction = {})
fun verifier(issuer: String, audience: String, algorithm: Algorithm, block: Verification.() -> Unit = {})

Provides a JWTVerifier used to verify a token format and signature.