
fun CoroutineScope.reader(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, autoFlush: Boolean = false, block: suspend ReaderScope.() -> Unit): ReaderJob

fun CoroutineScope.reader(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, channel: ByteChannel, block: suspend ReaderScope.() -> Unit): ReaderJob


We're migrating to the new kotlinx-io library. This declaration is deprecated and will be removed in Ktor 4.0.0 If you have any problems with migration, please contact us in

fun reader(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, channel: ByteChannel, parent: Job? = null, block: suspend ReaderScope.() -> Unit): ReaderJob
fun reader(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, autoFlush: Boolean = false, parent: Job? = null, block: suspend ReaderScope.() -> Unit): ReaderJob


Use scope.reader instead