
fun <TEngine : ApplicationEngine, TConfiguration : ApplicationEngine.Configuration> embeddedServer(factory: ApplicationEngineFactory<TEngine, TConfiguration>, port: Int = 80, host: String = "", watchPaths: List<String> = listOf(WORKING_DIRECTORY_PATH), module: Application.() -> Unit): EmbeddedServer<TEngine, TConfiguration>
fun <TEngine : ApplicationEngine, TConfiguration : ApplicationEngine.Configuration> CoroutineScope.embeddedServer(factory: ApplicationEngineFactory<TEngine, TConfiguration>, port: Int = 80, host: String = "", watchPaths: List<String> = listOf(WORKING_DIRECTORY_PATH), parentCoroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, module: Application.() -> Unit): EmbeddedServer<TEngine, TConfiguration>

Creates an embedded server with the given factory, listening on host:port.

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fun <TEngine : ApplicationEngine, TConfiguration : ApplicationEngine.Configuration> CoroutineScope.embeddedServer(factory: ApplicationEngineFactory<TEngine, TConfiguration>, vararg connectors: EngineConnectorConfig = arrayOf(), watchPaths: List<String> = listOf(WORKING_DIRECTORY_PATH), parentCoroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, module: Application.() -> Unit): EmbeddedServer<TEngine, TConfiguration>

Creates an embedded server with the given factory, listening on given connectors.

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Creates an embedded server with the given factory, environment and configure script.

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Creates an embedded server with the given factory, environment and configure script.

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