
fun Route.authenticate(vararg configurations: String? = arrayOf<String?>(null), optional: Boolean = false, build: Route.() -> Unit): Route

Creates a route that allows you to define authorization scope for application resources. This function accepts names of authentication providers defined in the Authentication plugin configuration.

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names of authentication providers defined in the Authentication plugin configuration.


when set, if no authentication is provided by the client, a call continues but with a null Principal.

See also


if there are no registered providers referred by configurations names.

fun Route.authenticate(vararg configurations: String? = arrayOf<String?>(null), strategy: AuthenticationStrategy, build: Route.() -> Unit): Route

Creates a route that allows you to define authorization scope for application resources. This function accepts names of authentication providers defined in the Authentication plugin configuration.

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names of authentication providers defined in the Authentication plugin configuration.


defines resolution strategy for nested authentication providers. AuthenticationStrategy.Optional - if no authentication is provided by the client, a call continues but with a null Principal. AuthenticationStrategy.FirstSuccessful - client must provide authentication data for at least one provider registered for this route AuthenticationStrategy.Required - client must provide authentication data for all providers registered for this route with this strategy

See also


if there are no registered providers referred by configurations names.