Gets headers used to identify the originating IP address of a client connecting to a server through a proxy or a load balancer.
Gets headers used to identify the original host requested by the client. Default are X-Forwarded-Server
and X-Forwarded-Host
Gets headers used to identify whether HTTPS/TLS is used between the client and the front-end server. Default are X-Forwarded-SSL
and Front-End-Https
Gets headers used to identify the destination port. The default is X-Forwarded-Port
Gets headers used to identify the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) that a client used to connect to a proxy or load balancer. Default are X-Forwarded-Proto
and X-Forwarded-Protocol
Custom logic to extract the value from the X-Forward-* headers when multiple values are present. You need to modify MutableOriginConnectionPoint based on headers from XForwardedHeaderValues.
Removes known hosts from the end of the list and takes the last value from X-Forward-*
headers when multiple values are present.
Takes the proxiesCount-before-last value from the X-Forward-*
headers when multiple values are present.
Takes the first value from the X-Forward-*
headers when multiple values are present.
Takes the last value from the X-Forward-*
headers when multiple values are present.