Package-level declarations


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open class BadRequestException(message: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : Exception

Base exception to indicate that the request is not correct due to wrong/missing request parameters, body content or header values. Throwing this exception in a handler will lead to 400 Bad Request response unless a custom io.ktor.plugins.StatusPages handler registered.

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abstract class ContentTransformationException(message: String) : IOException

Thrown when content cannot be transformed to the desired type. It is not defined which status code will be replied when an exception of this type is thrown and not caught. Depending on child type it could be 4xx or 5xx status code. By default it will be 500 Internal Server Error.

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This exception is thrown when a required parameter with name parameterName is missing

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Represents a RequestConnectionPoint. Its every component is mutable so application plugins could modify them. By default, all the properties are equal to ApplicationRequest.local with RequestConnectionPoint.serverHost and RequestConnectionPoint.serverPort overridden by HttpHeaders.Host header value. Users can assign new values parsed from HttpHeaders.Forwarded, HttpHeaders.XForwardedHost, etc. See XForwardedHeaders and ForwardedHeaders.

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class NotFoundException(message: String? = "Resource not found") : Exception

This exception means that the requested resource is not found. HTTP status 404 Not found will be replied when this exception is thrown and not caught. 404 status page could be configured by registering a custom io.ktor.plugins.StatusPages handler.

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class ParameterConversionException(val parameterName: String, val type: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : BadRequestException, CopyableThrowable<ParameterConversionException>

This exception is thrown when a required parameter with name parameterName couldn't be converted to the type

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Thrown when request body is larger than the set limit. HTTP status 413 Payload Too Large will be replied when this exception is thrown and not caught.

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Thrown when there is no conversion for a content type configured. HTTP status 415 Unsupported Media Type will be replied when this exception is thrown and not caught.


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Represents request and connection parameters possibly overridden via https headers. By default, it fallbacks to ApplicationRequest.local