Package-level declarations


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typealias CallExceptionHandler = suspend (cause: Throwable) -> Unit

Response exception handler method.

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typealias CallRequestExceptionHandler = suspend (cause: Throwable, request: HttpRequest) -> Unit

Response exception handler method. request is null if

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class ClientRequestException(response: HttpResponse, cachedResponseText: String) : ResponseException

Bad client request exception.

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Sets default request parameters. Used to add common headers and URL for a request. Note that trailing slash in base URL and leading slash in request URL are important. The rules to calculate a final URL:

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interface HttpClientPlugin<out TConfig : Any, TPlugin : Any>

Base interface representing a HttpClient plugin.

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Charset configuration for HttpPlainText plugin.

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Contains HttpRequestRetry configurations settings.

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class HttpRequestTimeoutException(url: String, timeoutMillis: Long?, cause: Throwable? = null) : IOException, CopyableThrowable<HttpRequestTimeoutException>

This exception is thrown in case the request timeout is exceeded. The request timeout is the time period required to process an HTTP call: from sending a request to receiving a response.

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A context for HttpRequestRetry.Configuration.delayMillis. Contains a non-null response or cause but not both.

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Data for the HttpRequestRetryEvent event. Contains a non-null response or cause but not both.

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A context for HttpRequestRetry.Configuration.modifyRequest. Contains a non-null response or cause but not both.

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class HttpRetryShouldRetryContext(val retryCount: Int)

A context for HttpRequestRetry.Configuration.shouldRetry and HttpRequestRetry.Configuration.shouldRetryOnException

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class HttpSend

This is an internal plugin that is always installed.

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HttpSend pipeline interceptor function

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An HttpTimeout extension configuration that is used during installation.

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class RedirectResponseException(response: HttpResponse, cachedResponseText: String) : ResponseException

Unhandled redirect exception.

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open class ResponseException(response: HttpResponse, cachedResponseText: String) : IllegalStateException

Base for default response exceptions.

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typealias ResponseValidator = suspend (response: HttpResponse) -> Unit

Response validator method.

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Configuration for SaveBodyPlugin

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Thrown when too many actual requests were sent during a client call. It could be caused by infinite or too long redirect sequence. Maximum number of requests is limited by HttpSend.maxSendCount

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interface Sender

This interface represents a request send pipeline interceptor chain

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class ServerResponseException(response: HttpResponse, cachedResponseText: String) : ResponseException

Server error exception.

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object SetupRequestContext : ClientHook<suspend (HttpRequestBuilder, suspend () -> Unit) -> Unit>
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class UserAgentConfig(var agent: String = "Ktor http-client")


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Plugin that provides observable progress for uploads and downloads

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Terminate HttpClient.receivePipeline if status code is not successful (>=300).

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The response validator plugin is used for validating an HttpClient response and handling response exceptions.

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HttpClient plugin that encodes String request bodies to TextContent and processes the response body as String.

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A client's HTTP plugin that sets up HttpRequestBuilder.executionContext and completes it when the pipeline is fully processed.

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A plugin that enables the client to retry failed requests. The default retry policy is 3 retries with exponential delay. Typical usages:

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Occurs when receiving a response with a redirect message.

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A plugin that allows you to configure the following timeouts:

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SaveBodyPlugin saving the whole body in memory, so it can be received multiple times.

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A plugin that adds a User-Agent header to all requests.


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Default response validation. Check the response status code in range (0..299).

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Installs the UserAgent plugin with a browser-like user agent.

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Configure client charsets.

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This exception is thrown in case the connection timeout is exceeded. It indicates the client took too long to establish a connection with a server.

Converts a long timeout in milliseconds to int value. To do that, we need to consider HttpTimeout.INFINITE_TIMEOUT_MS as zero and convert timeout value to Int.

Converts long timeout in milliseconds to long value. To do that, we need to consider HttpTimeout.INFINITE_TIMEOUT_MS as zero and convert timeout value to Int.

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Installs the UserAgent plugin with a CURL user agent.

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Set default request parameters. See DefaultRequest

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Install default transformers. Usually installed by default so there is no need to use it unless you have disabled it via HttpClientConfig.useDefaultTransformers.

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Registers listener to observe download progress.

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Registers listener to observe upload progress.

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fun <B : Any, F : Any> HttpClient.plugin(plugin: HttpClientPlugin<B, F>): F

Returns a plugin installed in HttpClient.

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fun <B : Any, F : Any> HttpClient.pluginOrNull(plugin: HttpClientPlugin<B, F>): F?

Returns a plugin installed in this client. Returns null if the plugin was not previously installed.

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Configures the HttpRequestRetry plugin on a per-request level.

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Prevent saving response body in memory for the specific request.

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This exception is thrown in case the socket timeout (read or write) is exceeded. It indicates the time between two data packets when exchanging data with a server was too long.

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Adds timeout boundaries to the request. Requires the HttpTimeout plugin to be installed.