Package-level declarations
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The result of a test execution. Can be TestFailure or TestSuccess.
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data class TestFailure<T>(val testCase: TestCase<T>, val cause: Throwable, val duration: Duration) : TestExecutionResult<T>
Represents a failed test execution with the cause of failure.
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data class TestSuccess<T>(val testCase: TestCase<T>, val duration: Duration) : TestExecutionResult<T>
Represents a successful test execution.
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Executes the provided block after the test. It is the only way to execute something after test on JS/WasmJS targets.
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Executes a test function with retry capabilities.
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fun <T> runTestWithData( testCases: Iterable<T>, context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, timeout: Duration = 1.minutes, retries: Int = 1, afterEach: (TestExecutionResult<T>) -> Unit = {}, handleFailures: (List<TestFailure<T>>) -> Unit = ::defaultAggregatedError, afterAll: () -> Unit = {}, test: suspend TestScope.(TestCase<T>) -> Unit): TestResult
Executes multiple test cases with retry capabilities and timeout control. Timeout is independent for each attempt in each test case.