Gets an Application for this RoutingNode by scanning the hierarchy to the root.
Builds a route to match requests with the HttpHeaders.Accept header matching any of the specified contentTypes.
Builds a route to match requests with the HttpHeaders.ContentType header matching the specified contentType.
Creates a child node in this node with a given selector or returns an existing one with the same selector.
Creates a routing entry for the specified path.
Builds a route to match DELETE
Builds a route to match DELETE
requests with the specified path.
Builds a route to match DELETE
requests with the specified regex path. Named parameters from regex can be accessed via ApplicationCall.parameters.
Builds a route to match GET
Builds a route to match GET
requests with the specified path.
Builds a route to match GET
requests with the specified regex path. Named parameters from regex can be accessed via ApplicationCall.parameters.
Installs a handler into this route which is called when the route is selected for a call.
Builds a route to match HEAD
Builds a route to match HEAD
requests with the specified path.
Builds a route to match HEAD
requests with the specified regex path. Named parameters from regex can be accessed via ApplicationCall.parameters.
Creates a route to match a request's host and port. There are no any host resolutions/transformations applied to a host: a request host is treated as a string.
Creates a route to match a request host and port. There are no any host resolutions/transformations applied to a host: a request host is treated as a string.
Creates a route to match s request host and port. There are no any host resolutions/transformations applied to a host: a request host is treated as a string.
Builds a route to match OPTIONS
Builds a route to match OPTIONS
requests with the specified path.
Builds a route to match OPTIONS
requests with the specified regex path. Named parameters from regex can be accessed via ApplicationCall.parameters.
Builds a route to match PATCH
Builds a route to match PATCH
requests receiving a request body as content of the R type.
Builds a route to match PATCH
requests with the specified path.
Builds a route to match PATCH
requests with the specified path receiving a request body as content of the R type.
Builds a route to match PATCH
requests with the specified regex path. Named parameters from regex can be accessed via ApplicationCall.parameters.
Builds a route to match PATCH
requests with the specified regex path receiving a request body as content of the R type. Named parameters from regex can be accessed via ApplicationCall.parameters.
Builds a route to match POST
Builds a route to match POST
requests receiving a request body as content of the R type.
Builds a route to match POST
requests with the specified path.
Builds a route to match POST
requests with the specified path receiving a request body as content of the R type.
Builds a route to match POST
requests with the specified regex path. Named parameters from regex can be accessed via ApplicationCall.parameters.
Builds a route to match POST
requests with the specified regex path receiving a request body as content of the R type. Named parameters from regex can be accessed via ApplicationCall.parameters.
Builds a route to match PUT
Builds a route to match PUT
requests receiving a request body as content of the R type.
Builds a route to match PUT
requests with the specified path.
Builds a route to match PUT
requests with the specified path receiving a request body as content of the R type.
Builds a route to match PUT
requests with the specified regex path. Named parameters from regex can be accessed via ApplicationCall.parameters.
Builds a route to match PUT
requests with the specified regex path receiving a request body as content of the R type. Named parameters from regex can be accessed via ApplicationCall.parameters.
Builds a route to match the specified path.
Builds a route to match the specified regex path. Named parameters from regex can be accessed via ApplicationCall.parameters.
Builds a route to match the specified HTTP method and regex path. Named parameters from regex can be accessed via ApplicationCall.parameters.