
class WebSocketWriter(writeChannel: ByteWriteChannel, val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, var masking: Boolean = false, val pool: ObjectPool<ByteBuffer> = KtorDefaultPool) : CoroutineScope

Class that processes written outgoing Websocket Frame, serializes them and writes the bits into the writeChannel.


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constructor(writeChannel: ByteWriteChannel, coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, masking: Boolean = false, pool: ObjectPool<ByteBuffer> = KtorDefaultPool)


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: whether it will mask serialized frames.

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val outgoing: SendChannel<Frame>

Channel for sending Websocket's Frame that will be serialized and written to writeChannel.

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: ByteBuffer pool to be used by this writer


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suspend fun flush()

Ensures all enqueued messages has been written

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suspend fun send(frame: Frame)

Send a frame and write it and all outstanding frames in the queue