
abstract class BaseApplicationCall(val application: Application) : PipelineCall

Base class for implementing an PipelineCall.


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constructor(application: Application)


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override val application: Application

An application being called.

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override val attributes: Attributes

Attributes attached to this call.

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Represents the limit for form field size in bytes for an ApplicationCall. This limit determines the maximum size allowed for form field data in a request.

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Checks if response body compression is suppressed for this ApplicationCall.

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Indicates if a response is sent.

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open override val parameters: Parameters

Parameters associated with this call.

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The TypeInfo recorded from the last call.receive() call.

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abstract override val request: BaseApplicationRequest

An PipelineRequest that is a client request.

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abstract override val response: BaseApplicationResponse

An PipelineResponse that is a server response.


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Creates a default ContentType based on the given contentType and current call.

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fun <TEngine : ApplicationEngine, TConfiguration : ApplicationEngine.Configuration> CoroutineScope.embeddedServer(factory: ApplicationEngineFactory<TEngine, TConfiguration>, vararg connectors: EngineConnectorConfig = arrayOf(), watchPaths: List<String> = listOf(WORKING_DIRECTORY_PATH), parentCoroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, module: Application.() -> Unit): EmbeddedServer<TEngine, TConfiguration>

Creates an embedded server with the given factory, listening on given connectors.

fun <TEngine : ApplicationEngine, TConfiguration : ApplicationEngine.Configuration> CoroutineScope.embeddedServer(factory: ApplicationEngineFactory<TEngine, TConfiguration>, port: Int = 80, host: String = "", watchPaths: List<String> = listOf(WORKING_DIRECTORY_PATH), parentCoroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, module: Application.() -> Unit): EmbeddedServer<TEngine, TConfiguration>

Creates an embedded server with the given factory, listening on host:port.

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Produces HTTP/2 push from server to client or sets HTTP/1.x hint header or does nothing (may call or not call block). Exact behaviour is up to engine implementation.

fun ApplicationCall.push(pathAndQuery: String)
fun ApplicationCall.push(encodedPath: String, encodedParameters: Parameters)

Produces HTTP/2 push from server to client or sets HTTP/1.x hint header or does nothing. Exact behaviour is up to engine implementation.

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inline suspend fun <T : Any> ApplicationCall.receive(): T
suspend fun <T> ApplicationCall.receive(typeInfo: TypeInfo): T
suspend fun <T : Any> ApplicationCall.receive(type: KClass<T>): T

Receives content for this request.

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Receives channel content for this call.

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inline suspend fun ApplicationCall.receiveMultipart(formFieldLimit: Long = DEFAULT_FORM_FIELD_MAX_SIZE): MultiPartData

Receives multipart data for this call.

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open suspend override fun <T> receiveNullable(typeInfo: TypeInfo): T?

Receives content for this request.

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inline suspend fun <T> ApplicationCall.receiveNullable(): T?

Receives content for this request.

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inline suspend fun <T : Any> ApplicationCall.receiveOrNull(): T?
suspend fun <T : Any> ApplicationCall.receiveOrNull(typeInfo: TypeInfo): T?
suspend fun <T : Any> ApplicationCall.receiveOrNull(type: KClass<T>): T?

Receives content for this request.

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Receives form parameters for this call.

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inline suspend fun ApplicationCall.receiveText(): String

Receives incoming content for this call as String.

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open suspend override fun respond(message: Any?, typeInfo: TypeInfo?)

Sends a message as a response.

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inline suspend fun <T : Any> ApplicationCall.respond(message: T)

Sends a message as a response.

@JvmName(name = "respondWithType")
inline suspend fun <T : Any> ApplicationCall.respond(status: HttpStatusCode, message: T)

Sends a message as a response with the specified status code.

suspend fun ApplicationCall.respond(status: HttpStatusCode, message: Any?, messageType: TypeInfo)

Sends a message of type messageType as a response with the specified status code.

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suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondBytes(contentType: ContentType? = null, status: HttpStatusCode? = null, provider: suspend () -> ByteArray)

Responds to a client with a raw bytes response, using the specified provider to build a byte array.

suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondBytes(bytes: ByteArray, contentType: ContentType? = null, status: HttpStatusCode? = null, configure: OutgoingContent.() -> Unit = {})

Responds to a client with a raw bytes response, using specified bytes.

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suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondBytesWriter(contentType: ContentType? = null, status: HttpStatusCode? = null, contentLength: Long? = null, producer: suspend ByteWriteChannel.() -> Unit)

Respond with a binary content producer.

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inline suspend fun <T> ApplicationCall.respondNullable(message: T)

Sends a message as a response.

inline suspend fun <T> ApplicationCall.respondNullable(status: HttpStatusCode, message: T)

Sends a message as a response with the specified status code.

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suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondRedirect(url: Url, permanent: Boolean = false)
suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondRedirect(url: String, permanent: Boolean = false)

Responds to a client with a 301 Moved Permanently or 302 Found redirect.

inline suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondRedirect(permanent: Boolean = false, block: URLBuilder.() -> Unit)

Responds to a client with a 301 Moved Permanently or 302 Found redirect. Unlike the other respondRedirect, it provides a way to build a URL based on current call using the block function.

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suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondSource(source: Source, contentType: ContentType? = null, status: HttpStatusCode? = null)

Responds to an ApplicationCall with the content from the provided kotlinx-io Source.

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suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondText(contentType: ContentType? = null, status: HttpStatusCode? = null, provider: suspend () -> String)

Responds to a client with a plain text response, using the specified provider to build a text.

suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondText(text: String, contentType: ContentType? = null, status: HttpStatusCode? = null, configure: OutgoingContent.() -> Unit = {})

Responds to a client with a plain text response.

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Suppress response body compression plugin for this ApplicationCall.

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inline fun ApplicationCall.url(block: URLBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): String

Creates an url using current call's schema, path and parameters as initial and then invokes block function on the url builder so amend parameters