Package-level declarations


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class HttpClient(val engine: HttpClientEngine, userConfig: HttpClientConfig<out HttpClientEngineConfig> = HttpClientConfig()) : CoroutineScope, Closeable

A multiplatform asynchronous HTTP client that allows you to make requests, handle responses, and extend its functionality with plugins such as authentication, JSON serialization, and more.

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A mutable HttpClient configuration used to adjust settings, install plugins and interceptors.

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A container is searched across dependencies using ServiceLoader to find client implementations. An implementation of this interface provides HTTP client factory and only used to find the default client engine when HttpClient function is called with no particular client implementation specified


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expect fun HttpClient(block: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit = {}): HttpClient

A multiplatform asynchronous HTTP client that allows you to make requests, handle responses, and extend its functionality with plugins such as authentication, JSON serialization, and more.

actual fun HttpClient(block: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit): HttpClient

Constructs an asynchronous HttpClient using optional block for configuring this client.

actual fun HttpClient(block: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit): HttpClient

Constructs an asynchronous HttpClient using optional block for configuring this client.