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class OAuth1aServerSettings(    val name: String,     val requestTokenUrl: String,     val authorizeUrl: String,     val accessTokenUrl: String,     val consumerKey: String,     val consumerSecret: String,     val accessTokenInterceptor: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}) : OAuthServerSettings

OAuth1a server settings

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class OAuth2ServerSettings(    val name: String,     val authorizeUrl: String,     val accessTokenUrl: String,     val requestMethod: HttpMethod = HttpMethod.Get,     val clientId: String,     val clientSecret: String,     val defaultScopes: List<String> = emptyList(),     val accessTokenRequiresBasicAuth: Boolean = false,     val nonceManager: NonceManager = GenerateOnlyNonceManager,     val authorizeUrlInterceptor: URLBuilder.() -> Unit = {},     val passParamsInURL: Boolean = false,     val extraAuthParameters: List<Pair<String, String>> = emptyList(),     val extraTokenParameters: List<Pair<String, String>> = emptyList(),     val accessTokenInterceptor: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {},     val onStateCreated: suspend (call: ApplicationCall, state: String) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }) : OAuthServerSettings

OAuth2 server settings


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configuration name

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OAuth version (1a or 2)